I have a 16 week old touchy/spirited, but was in denial about it for the first while!! (DD1 is spirited/textbook and that was bad enough!) Really there's no time like the present to do things, I figure (the whole start as you mean to go on in Tracy's books!)
Spencer fought sleep hard too in the beginning, and at about 3 or 4 weeks I started doing sh/pat (or rather just pat as the sh part annoyed her!) She would fuss to sleep all the time, and even now that she can self soothe she fusses off to sleep most times. She doesn't get angry when OT, so much as wired (loves to yell)
Have you tried sh/pat on him? It was hard to do as Spencer cried through it, but it really worked with alot of persistence. I also have her room blacked out and a fan for white noise. We also still swaddle her, she can suck her fingers, but likes to scratch her head and wake herself up!
lots of hugs,