I can't believe a few weeks ago I posted cos I was worried about not feeding enough!
Ds is feeding every 4 ish hrs. 7,11,3, 6:30, 10:30df and nothing really at night.
I am just getting him started on solids BUT he is taking 9oz feeds! At almost every feed! This isn't a problem in itself but normally once he starts polishing off a certain amount I up it another oz. Well my bottles only hold 9oz. I know I could make another bottle with an oz but once the bottle leaves ds's lips (even for a sec) he looses interest. The last week I have switched to hungry milk.
Does anyone give more than 9oz. Should I be shopping around for bigger bottles? I am particularly keen to get as many cals in as possible during the day as I am trying not to feed after his df during the wee hrs! This said surely 9oz feeds of hungry milk should be enough?! If it's a growth spurt it's going on a while!