My health nurse assured me it was fine for roughly every second bottle but LO wont finish his bottle without it, hes always hated formula and gags on it, refuses to eat it etc but now that we tried brown sugar he is taking alot more at his feeds, problem is that he wont finish a feed without it now. He will only take about 40mls before stopping and refusing to eat the rest without it. Today we took him to church and forgot the sugar and he refused his feed, so he went 4 hours and 45 minutes without a feed until we got some sugar and added it to the new bottle. I dont want to be adding sugar to every bottle but if he doesnt have enough then he will wake in the night for more food (by the way, he is thriving, hes a big chubby boy, well i think so anyway, so its not like he doesnt get enough food in him) should i cut the sugar out and just let him eat what he wants, will this make our nights up and down because so far we can get him to do 11 hours straight but hte last few nights he has been waking for a feed at 4.30am ish
So far today we have gotten 640mls in him and if he does the usual at the DF it will bring him up to 750mls, my nurse said he should be putting away 900mls a day.
He is 10 weeks old.
Should i let his routine go tomorrow and let him tell me when he is hungry and feed him then to see whats going on with him?? when should i start feeding him 3.5 hourly??