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my kids are bored...... ideas?
« on: June 23, 2009, 21:00:14 pm »
My kids are so bored  :-[ :-[ :-[

I know this because they are running around, kicking each other, yelling, demanding things every 5 seconds and just generally causing havoc.  They are 4 and 2 :) Jack is the 4yo and abbi is 2yo

I have pelvic issues so cannot do any physical play, cannot go to the park, cannot take them to their usual dancing classes, cannot dance with them blah blah blah you get the picture

So, as I am a little housebound, i need a plan! I have 5 months of this left, and balamory cannot babysit ALL the time  :P :P :P :P

I am so tired and moody and lack all ability to think straight right now, and just get angry when I KNOW they just need fun things to do with me!

So far, I have bought some new stuff today as follows:

A hand puppet for jack to make
4 tubs of playdough which they love
paints and new colouring books
Some pipe cleaners, pom poms and googly eyes for jack to make models with

The following result in fights

Drawing - they use the pencils to hit each other despite direction and encouragement to draw nice pictures and talk about colours
Jigsaws - they row over each others constantly and wont do one each even if i am sat with them
General toys - they fight over them non stop - abbi wants jacks and vice versa, they even fight over the drawing boards and they have one each!!!

Any good creative ideas to get them having fun TOGETHER!!! Jack has openly said "I dont like Abbi, I dont want her!" and generally they seem to not like each other too much unless they are conspiring to run screaming in opposite directions to try and wind me up lol!

I want us all to sit together and have some fun, I want them to not think of me as cross face mummy

Jack said to me " you do a horrid face mummy its so angry and scary" :'( :'( :-[ :-[ I know they have picked up on my stress and misery lately so i want things to change

Sorry this is long, what cool things do you do with your babes that they love and do together? cant think straight right now sadly!!!!!
proud mum to my 3 gorgeous children

Jack    12/05/05
Abigail  07/01/07
Sam     24/10/09

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Offline rach

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2009, 21:18:28 pm »
Oh hun, I know exactly where you are coming from - the noise from screaming kids in our house and me trying to keep the peace between 4 and 7 every afternoon in our house is ridiculous.  Cam misses Charl all day when she's at school and they just fight, fight, fight when she gets home - it's NOT fun!

You mentioned that they like dancing and want you to dance with them?  Well, like you say, that isn't possible at the moment, but how about a pretend disco for them, with you as the DJ - not the best idea, but might be worth a try.

How about stickers/sticker book for Abbi, while Jack is doing his crafty bits?

Baking - something that you could sit down to prepare at the table all together to minimise standing for you?

Will keep thinking xx
Rach xx

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2009, 06:32:34 am »
If you have any alone time, look for blogs regarding crafts.  There are a ton out there, but I realize everyone has their own taste.  I look at a few to get some good ideas.  There are also plenty of blogs about school lessons - - fun while the kids learn and the kids don't realize they are learning!!

Can you have them play at the sink?  That could amuse my toddler for awhile.

Good luck!  I was on bedrest with a toddler and it is not easy.

Can you drive it all?  Have the kids pile in the car themselves and you buckle them in their carseats?  I used to do this once and awhile (housebound or on bedrest during the winter months for entire pregnancy and then beyond).  I used to find healthy restaurants that had drive thrus.  Or anything with a drive thru - - library, do some quick banking seemed exciting to kids who were not able to leave the house regularly. 

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2009, 07:16:47 am »
Oh hun, I know exactly where you are coming from - the noise from screaming kids in our house and me trying to keep the peace between 4 and 7 every afternoon in our house is ridiculous.  Cam misses Charl all day when she's at school and they just fight, fight, fight when she gets home - it's NOT fun!

You mentioned that they like dancing and want you to dance with them?  Well, like you say, that isn't possible at the moment, but how about a pretend disco for them, with you as the DJ - not the best idea, but might be worth a try.

How about stickers/sticker book for Abbi, while Jack is doing his crafty bits?

Baking - something that you could sit down to prepare at the table all together to minimise standing for you?

Will keep thinking xx

Thanks Rach :D :D I am heartened to know I am not alone in trying to keep the peace, seems like I am trying to prevent a war constantly!!!!  The dj thing sounds good, we have numerous music channels, so thats not a problem at all :D   Abbi does like sticker books but likes to peel them off herself and that is where we come unstuck (pardon the pun :P) as she cannot quite manage to get them off, cue high pitched screaming, crying and the book flying across the room in temper *sigh*, maybe a magnet book would work, wonder where I can track one down ???

If you have any alone time, look for blogs regarding crafts.  There are a ton out there, but I realize everyone has their own taste.  I look at a few to get some good ideas.  There are also plenty of blogs about school lessons - - fun while the kids learn and the kids don't realize they are learning!!

Can you have them play at the sink?  That could amuse my toddler for awhile.

Good luck!  I was on bedrest with a toddler and it is not easy.

Can you drive it all?  Have the kids pile in the car themselves and you buckle them in their carseats?  I used to do this once and awhile (housebound or on bedrest during the winter months for entire pregnancy and then beyond).  I used to find healthy restaurants that had drive thrus.  Or anything with a drive thru - - library, do some quick banking seemed exciting to kids who were not able to leave the house regularly. 

Never even thought to look at blogs thank you for that, must get searching! I do get time when abbi goes to bed as Jack will watch a dvd for his quiet time on the couch while I do housework so will take 10 mins to look later :) the playing at the sink idea is good for one on one i think, as together they have argued over sink space previously and it was hell lol. gonna get them out in the gorgeous weather in the garden with some water later though and get them splashing etc :) we only have a small garden right now, but will make an effort to get out there :) 

I do drive yep, and most usually i will go to visit a friend once a week.  Maybe I could try and do something else, we only have macdonalds and kfc around here which i can get fruit bags from but happy meals are always cried for lol!!!  I wish the library was more accessible but is in the middle of the town, up 3 flights of stairs (how stupid), we do get a mobile library here so maybe that will work.

Thanks both for getting the cogs in my head turning, needed a little jumpstart lol :D

As I type, both kids have had a game of playdough and now Abbi is painting and jack is playing on his computer. We got new batteries for it yesterday, its a cute kids computer and he loves it, its just been in storage since we moved so dug it out.

Its up to me to make some major effort, with each day that passes I just get more tired and less able to think straight when they are fighting, i want them to be entertained, stimulated and happy, so time I got my bum in gear right ;)

thanks both, i really appreciate your thoughts xxx
proud mum to my 3 gorgeous children

Jack    12/05/05
Abigail  07/01/07
Sam     24/10/09

worrying is as about effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum

Offline rach

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2009, 09:42:28 am »
Would the incentive of them getting to choose a fun crafty activity be a good way of bribing them to play nicely together and to stop fighting.  I've done that with Charl and Cam before now, if they want to play with the paints, then they have to play nicely together while I get on with my jobs.  Arguing and fighting and the fun activity doesn't happen and that does (sometimes) work! :P

I'm guessing that Jack goes to Nursery?  While he's there, are they any toddler groups that you could take Abbi to - help burn off a bit of energy?
Rach xx

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2009, 10:48:52 am »
Hi again Rach, I suppose that if they cant play nicely with it it should be taken away, need to toughen up in that respect!!!!

Jack has finished nursery until he starts school in sept :( am struggling already :(

Problem is with abbi is that although she goes to 2-3 groups a week normally, she doesnt leave my side, she is not interested in much of it really, her energy burning only ever happens at home when she is running around the house!!

Took them both to the park with dh the other week and has a big sand bit, well she wont stand on ground that isnt hard and flat, she is scared of the park, she is scared of the kids......... *sigh* she does however seem to enjoy playdough, water scooping etc, but only at home......

Guess i need to get these activities at home and have a couple of select friends round, as she is ok with one or 2 kids, any more and she gets very tearful :(

ugh that was long again, and seems like i am saying *but* to everyones answers, but what i mean is i am going to take them all and adapt them to work in an environment both kids can enjoy :) :)

Thanks again xxxx
proud mum to my 3 gorgeous children

Jack    12/05/05
Abigail  07/01/07
Sam     24/10/09

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2009, 11:29:27 am »
No ideas really Emma, but had to give you a few hugs as it sounds so hard with two!
Willl D have some holiday this summer and be off work so he can take Jack out a bit just the two of them, or you could go for a drive all together for a picnic somewhere? Lois loves picnics and it wouldn't have to involve that much walking for you if you could drive there. It's no help now that you're stuck in the house on your own I nkow but just wondering if you'll all be together some of the summer?

Ooo, just had an idea :) Could you get a small paddling pool in the garden where they could play on sunny days? I'm planning to do this as DD loves water play and I also need something to keep her occupied when she's off nursery. Wish we could come for play dates. Abbi and Lois seemed to get on so well.
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2009, 11:44:51 am »
How about water and sand play in the garden?  Even if you don't want to get the paddle pool out, why not something as simple as 2 washing up bowls - 1 for each of them.  Maybe for Abbi to use as a bath for her dolls and for Jack to use as a car wash for his cars?

Or getting a selection of objects - cork, twigs, pebbles - things they could find in the garden to see what will float on the water and what will sink?

Painting outside - putting paper on the grass and letting them paint their hands and feet and making their own print pictures?  Cutting out pictures from old magazines and making a collage - say drawing a picture of a tree or their initials and them sticking the pictures to the paper to fill in the letters and then cutting them out?  Just trying to think of other ideas they could do indoors for when the weather isn't good enough to be outside?

Will keep thinking hun x
Rach xx

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2009, 11:56:50 am »
With the stickers, I find that Chloe (who turns 2 in August) can peel the stickers herself if I peel the background off for her first - does that make sense?

Not many more ideas right now, but I'll think about it!

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2009, 16:28:19 pm »
Can Jack himself come up with any ideas of things that he can do?  He's worked out that your facial expressions are angry... so he's smart enough to see if he can work out what you can do *together* to solve it.  But he also needs to understand that Abbi needs you not to be a an angry mummy.

Will get thinking. 

In this warm weather my Reception classes love doing 'water painting'  Pots of water, brushes and they paint the patio.  It dries, they paint again.  No mess for you to clear up.


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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2009, 16:56:24 pm »
Another bit for water play...  Sprinklers, even.  Water the garden while the kids run thru the water.  The boys love that.  :)  Sidewalk chalk?  (Drawing on concrete sidewalk, patio, etc & it washes away with water/rain)  And all I (mostly) have to do is sit.  ;)  I'm not in as dire straits as you are, but my 8 month pg belly gets in the way, plenty, too.  :-*

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2009, 18:56:04 pm »
Hmmm...I like the water play ideas- on fussy days, I fill the tub and let Nick play with plastic bowls, spoons, garlic press, etc etc...
What about a "tent"- sheet over a table or sofa cushions?
Maybe you could be a patient- reclining on the sofa, and they have to tend to you, put on bandaids, take your temperature, etc etc... or you cold be a "sick panda" at the zoo, and they have to minister to you...hmmm trying to think of ideas where you could be "quiet and restful"
Oh, instead of dancing with them, what about "simon says" or you put on music, they dance, and when you press pause they have to freeze until the music starts again.
Bubbles bubbles bubbles...
HUGS and hope you get some peace.
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2009, 19:20:04 pm »
Do you have a garden Em?  If so and the weather is good (it's meant to be a good summer so we can think positive!) then I definitely second getting them outside.  The boys have their car mat and cars out there, a water table with toys and/or the paddling pool (which Zander likes to fill himself and takes ages - just standing still with a hose, ha!), a sandpit with various toys, slide, balls, any of their usual inside toys - anything really, seems to be easier outside and I can usually sit with a cup of tea without having to intervene too much!  Last night they even had their bath in the garden, in a toy tub with water from the hose pipe warmed up with water from the kettle and it seemed much less hassle than usual.

As for indoors, that's tricky for us too as they usually end up at each others' throats!  Have you tried fuzzy felts if the stickers are a little too difficult?  I find my two do best with toys that aren't really toys iykwim - a kitchen roll holder they can each decorate, musical instruments made from things from the cupboard etc.

Kelly x
Mummy to Zander (2005), Nathaniel (2007) and Caleb (2009)

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2009, 19:56:57 pm »
all great ideas thank you so much!!!

We have a very small box garden, but a garden nonetheless :(  I wilt in the heat, and it seems to be a mega suntrap so maybe i need an umbrella!!!

I must sound so silly having no idea how to entertain my kids, but before i was preggo, we had nursery for jack and groups for abbi, so was out and about loads and loads, but i am put off going far now, as end up in pain so makes it pointless tbh!!  I have never had to fill a day with activities all day long !!
Thanks again for all those ideas, they are fab

I woke determined the day was going to be good

By 9am playdough, drawing and painting had been exhausted!!! So i went on to snack time with balamory for 15 mins, then went back to playdough at their request.  Then we played singing and dancing, until they started rowing with each other grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! why do they seem to not be able to tolerate each other!!!

When abbi went for her sleep, me and jack made a hand puppet and then watered plants out the front, and watched some of rattatouie (cant spell this film lol), then we went and saw my gran, came back, they got so hyped and wired up as ot from late night last night as so hot, and 6am waking (double grrrrrr).  I tried everything to calm them, any play suggestion was met with no mummy dont want to.  Jack was rude and cheeky to me, then lay on the sofa, and said his stomach hurts so couldnt eat his tea (his cousin he spent time with yest has a stomach bug so am thinking hmmmmm).

Anyway, I have rambled on ;) Just thinking it looks like I tried so hard to do a lot, so even if the evening was crappy there WAS less rows definately so all in all a better result :)

Being a SAHM is hard, esp when you literally are "stay at home"
proud mum to my 3 gorgeous children

Jack    12/05/05
Abigail  07/01/07
Sam     24/10/09

worrying is as about effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum

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Re: my kids are bored...... ideas?
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2009, 21:46:11 pm »
After you've played with various bits and pieces, do the kids help to tidy it up or does it end up being you?

Could you make the tidying up part a game too?
Rach xx