(((hugs))) Liz - I know you have struggled so much with this for months. We have had the 'not eating because I can control it battle' with M, and I think (after over 18 months) we are finally getting past it. She had a very limited diet (about 4 different meals, I think, but plenty of fruit) and lost 1.5kg (slipped from 50th to 25th centile - bounced back up to the 50th in the last week
). I had a lot of very frustrating days, but reassured myself that she wouldn't starve herself and that it was just a phase (
). Over the last week she has eaten 5 meals that I know she wouldn't have touched a month ago - so it does end, honest.
I think you just have to keep doing the things you are doing (including coming here for support whenever you need it
) and trust that it will work out in the end. He won't starve himself, and in the long term you won't let him eat a truly unhealthy diet, so for now you should try him on new things as much as you can but accept that making a bigger battle of it won't make it go away any faster.
I know you try not to do snacks - is that from having tried and found that they are an issue, or is it a gut feeling that snacks will make his eating worse? I found with M that I was more likely to get a decent meal (or at any rate a less stressful mealtime) when she had had some snacks during the day - not least I think because it kept her blood sugar a bit more stable and so it was a less emotionally fraught process. Have you tried the organix carrot puffs and sweetcorn rings? They are vegetables...