I'm going to venture into giving some advice as I am going through this transition for about a month now with dd. When it first started, it was horrible for two weeks where she napped for 45 mins. the whole day, one day it would be in the morning, the next day she didn't want until later in the day, it was a mess! I posted on how depressed my dd's sleep was making me, because I never really had such a problem with nap refusals. Having said that, it seems that she is slowly balancing herself out and doing 5-5.25A time in the am with a 1.5hrs nap and about 4.75-5.5hrs. before bedtime. Like I said, it has been very rough, but things seem to be sorting out (knock on wood). I remember you saying that you have a textbook baby, as my dd is, and one thing I noticed is that if she was dropping a nap, then there was no messing around with it, because she would just scream the moment I would attempt a second nap, no matter how tired she was. What I'm trying to say is that although you may have a looong A time before bedtime some days, try to ride it out, he might make up for it at night and hopefully wake up later, so it balances out his day. Personally I found that whenever I tried shortening naps on her, it wasn't a pretty sight, so I learned to ride it out as much sweat and tears as it has caused me. For the first time EVER! This morning she woke at 5am, but went back to sleep and up for the day at 7am, with a nap at 12-1:30. It is true what some posts say here too, that once they start transitioning, their naps do get longer, so hope this helps. Hang in there, it's rough, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for myself and all of us going through this.