Author Topic: NW? 7months  (Read 7652 times)

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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #75 on: December 14, 2009, 23:54:03 pm »
Or could he have an ear infection? One time my nephew's only symptom of an ear infection was terrible sleep!
Normally ear infections follow a cold, don't they? I was doing research on it as he pulls at his ears, which is yet another sign of teething also. I took him in a while ago and the Dr. said an ear infection follows a cold and if he hasn't had a cold, it is probably just teething. Maybe I should take him in just in case?

Yes, barley and oats both contain gluten. And cereals (all grains really) can be very hard for infants to digest as they don't really produce amalyse (necessary to digest grains) at this point.

Very good to know! Thank you for this information. Maybe I will try to take him off the cereals for a little bit and see if I notice a difference.

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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #76 on: December 14, 2009, 23:58:44 pm »
Always worth getting the ears checked out.  I've heard of lots of moms who had awful spells of NWings only to find out it was an ear infection AFTER it was clearing up!   ::)  I thought DS had one a few weeks ago, actually I was so certain but the doctor couldn't find anything.   ???

I'm agreeing that I think it sounds like discomfort, teething or otherwise.  Reflux related could be it, it hadn't occurred to me because DS never had reflux but always worth considering!

I have heard some sources say not to introduce grains at all until almost a year because they are so hard to digest.  We didn't do any baby cereals so not sure if they could be causing you trouble or not.  Maybe try eliminating them for a bit and see if it helps??

Hope tonight is better for you (and us too!  ;))
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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #77 on: December 15, 2009, 03:45:46 am »
We don't do cereals - waiting until at least 9 months and will evaluate adding in grains then. Fruits and veggies only for now, will add in egg yolk maybe by 8 months and other proteins and yogurt, etc from there.

Ear infections USUALLY follow colds but not always. And if he is reflux prone, that can cause fluid up there, leading to ear infections unrelated to colds. If you want to test it if it is partially reflux you can give him a dose of Mylanta Cherry Supreme and see if it helps (my DD had BAD reflux). And as you know, reflux isn't only spitting up - silent reflux can be as bad or worse and you don't see the spitting... And if it's his ears, Tylenol definitely wouldn't touch the pain... So hard to tell!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #78 on: December 15, 2009, 14:27:40 pm »
I have heard some sources say not to introduce grains at all until almost a year because they are so hard to digest.  We didn't do any baby cereals so not sure if they could be causing you trouble or not.  Maybe try eliminating them for a bit and see if it helps??
It is so ridiculously frustrating how you go some places and you are told to introduce cereals first, and other places where you are told not to introduce cereals. I have been told not to introduce fruit until until after he is on every other solid because he will not want to eat them after he tried fruit. Like all of this just makes me want to move to someplace secluded away from anyone telling me anything and just use my own instincts to figure it out! ( I am not talking about you girls as I am asking for your help!) This was the same thing that happened to us with vaccinations but I am not going to get started on that or I will only get frustrated again.

Ear infections USUALLY follow colds but not always.

It cannot hurt to get him checked out. We shall see.

Thanks for your input girls. I will try to take DS off the grains and see what happens. I have been told it is super important to have them having grains for the iron? At the same point though, his formula is iron fortified.

DS still woke every hr. last night despite his good day of naps and early bedtime. He was awake from 1 until 3 for no apparent reason, just chatting away.

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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #79 on: December 15, 2009, 14:44:20 pm »
The grains themselves aren't a source of iron, it's just baby cereal is fortified with iron.  In any way, the whole babies-must-eat-cereals because they run out of iron is really kinda a myth.  Baby's iron stores run out between 6-12months, at which time if you are still breastfeeding or doing formula they are getting iron from that, as well as slowly from the foods you are incorporating into their diet.  You can try to look for other iron rich foods, I think dark leafy greens (try steaming and pureeing them) as well as lentils and beans (I'm pretty sure those are ok at that age).  Also it helps to know iron is more easily absorbed when vitamin C is incorporated with it as well so maybe try to combine iron-rich foods with fruits and vegetables that have lots of vitamin C.  I'm sorry, I can't remember which ones and I'm a little rusty as to what I was feeding DS at that time!!  :P  He was pretty much on all vegetables and fruits by then, as well as starting some meats and dairy (just yogurt really).  I took a baby nutrition class when he was about 8mos old and it was very informative.  :)

I bought into the whole DS MUST start with cereal thing, did rice cereal for a few weeks and he hated it, so cut it out completely by 7mos and just stuck with fruit and veggies until then.  As for the don't introduce fruit thing because they won't like their veggies, I don't know about that one.  Everyone is individual, some babies probably don't even like fruit but love veggies!  I do both, DS likes veggies and loves fruit but I'm not worried that he'll only eat fruit.  He eats a bit of everything.  :)

I used my own instincts a lot and I think we've done very well with solids.  As for the vaccinations, I hear ya on that one, a WHOLE other discussion!  lol
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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #80 on: December 15, 2009, 15:41:30 pm »
Thanks Martina! DS loves food too. He is already eating lentils and kidney beans as well as pork, chicken, turkey, and beef. I took as baby nutrition course also but they totally reinforced the importance of the cereals. I am sure he will be fine in terms of iron as his formula is iron fortified and he is eating meats and iron rich alternatives. I had forgotten about the Vitamin C thing so thanks so much for bringing that up. I think for the most part, I am using the vitamin C rich food along with iron rich foods.

Something is definitely up with DS as he will not let me put him down (usually he always wants to be on the floor) and he is completely covered in drool and he is madly chewing on his toothbrush right now which I just gave to him for the first time and it is a complete hit. Apparently I could have just bought him a toothbrush for Christmas and he would be happy ::) Maybe he is really teething.

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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #81 on: December 16, 2009, 15:52:34 pm »
I took DS off his grains yesterday. We will see how that goes. He had a fever for the later part of yesterday and all night and now this morning too. Poor little guy. I am not sure what is up but he is just quite miserable. I guess I will give the routine a break as I cannot expect him to sleep when he feels so terrible.

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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #82 on: December 16, 2009, 16:44:13 pm »
(((HUGS))), the routine will certainly be there when you're ready to work on it again.  ;)  Hope he feels better soon.  Something is up with my DS too and I'm going crazy trying to figure it out.  Ah, such is the life of a mommy!!  :P
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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #83 on: December 16, 2009, 17:32:40 pm »
No kidding! It sure gives you a different respect for other people with children when you have you own. I went into the place where I used to work before i went on mat leave and this girl I work with was telling me how this morning she just wished she was a Mom so badly when he alarm clock went off. She wished she could just stay in bed and not have to go to work like Mom's do. I was like hunny I haven't slept long enough to have the alarm clock go off since I have been a Mom!

Hope you figure out what is up with your DS soon! I think it is just teething for us. There are no other symptoms going along with the fever other then drooling and crankiness.

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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #84 on: December 16, 2009, 22:47:39 pm »
LOL, my son IS my alarm clock!!   :P

It is definitely teething here, canines, and they are friggin' BRUTAL!!!  No teeth thus far have caused so much trouble (sorry, don't mean to scare you!!)
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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #85 on: December 16, 2009, 22:55:12 pm »
It is definitely teething here, canines, and they are friggin' BRUTAL!!!  No teeth thus far have caused so much trouble (sorry, don't mean to scare you!!)
LoL! Yeah thanks for that!! Now I just know what is coming. Aww well I hope your poor little guy gets through this quickly. It cannot be that much fun for him and definitely not fun for you! Good luck!

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Re: NW? 7months
« Reply #86 on: December 16, 2009, 22:55:43 pm »
Oh god, I remember the eye teeth (canines) with DD. It totally was the WORST!

DS has been a total fusspot today. Definitely seems like combo growth spurt and teething. Fun, NOT!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01