Thanks ladies
Claire can you AP him at the EW?
Unfortunately not - he just will not have any of it!! But its been good that we've not had any really EWs for a while (ok, so 5.50am still isn't great
) - so I'm really conscious of not doing anything that brings them back!
If you keep bringing bedtime earlier it will mean that he's going to get caught up from OT at some point and then you are stuck with early wake ups. At least this has been our experience. We always seem to find ourselves at a 6/6:30 bedtime with a 4:30/5 a.m. wake up no matter how much headway we make to get to a more reasonable day. There's always a spanner in the works so at some point you just have to say nope not gonna do it.
We've been lucky this week that despite the mega-early bedtimes he's still been waking at 6-6.30 - which is normal for us anyway.....but they're just a bit too early to cope with the one nap. I'm sort of holding out for the clocks to be changed too, as that'll shift it all back.
I think I'll go for a catnap today (will take him for a drive) and hope that will 're-set' him back to a slightly later morning for tomorrow. I am keep to not keep alternating too much as I do think that if I persevere he will end up with longer naps (ever hopeful
!). I'm thinking of 15 mins at about 2.45pm??