Hey everyone, I'm quite new to this but in my desperation I thought I would aks other Mums for their help and having watched every episode of the Baby Whisperer on Discovery I figure this is the best place for me! My DD is 15mths old and never been a great sleeper, but after so long we're really exhausted by her wakings. She goes down at 7am with a bottle and no fuss, she's awake when I put her down, she rolls over with her bunny and she's asleep. Then at some point in the night she wakes and screams and screams and screams, often she's thrown her bunny out of the cot which makes things worse, often we'll leave her but she screams so hard she either poos or is sick so we have to go in and then there's no getting her back off, the cycle just begins again. If we go in at the beginning she goes mental when we leave her.
She's at nursery 4 days a week and seems to be in a good routine there, sleeps for about 2hrs in one nap, but the 3 days with me she won't nap longer than 30mins. Heeelp!!