Thanks Laura again.
He woke at 6:45 this morning. 7h45 he slept without a peep. It's as if he woke at 3:45 if I put him to bed at 8pm. I felt bad that I automatically went to get him bottles.
He's up for the day. As he's tired from the short night sleep, he wanted his nap early again close to 11 but when I put him in his sleeping bag (i asked him if he wanted sleepy time and he just smiled to me), he signed for milk.
It's a long weekend here, I guess I can write down a plan to try to sort it out. I also happen to wake about 1h before he does! Perhaps it's my little guardian angel waking me up to W2S for the new NW time? Would you also think that W2S is worth a try first? When it fails, I will give further diluted bottles. Teething is definitely in the way!
Just had a chat with DH about a plan (I'm not sure why I always have to check with him, I'm always the one to get up to fix this kind of problems
) Anyways... perhaps we'll do W2S at 2:45 (if he's awake, then wi/wo). I'm just not sure when his NW will be. 3:45 or 5:30? If he's up at 5:30, no bottles, he would just be awake. So I might as well just get him up. But if I do that, would I be encouraging him to have HW at 5:30?
Do you know of cases when W2S can work more than an hour before the wake time?