Wendy, good job on 5:30 waking. 3:30 is one of the usual waking time of DS, so I'm a bit nervous about that. Will try 4am, though. Baby steps are still progress, right? I am just not sure if he associates cold milk with hard spout because that's what he gets at daycare. But then like Liz said, it's not really a big issue as long as he SLEEPS!! and not wake in the night. I can deal with 6am up for the day if only i could get some sleep in the night.
Thanks, Henry1
Liz, I also think it's going very well. I forgot to mention that he had 2 naps the last 2 days: and it freaked me out as he only slept 1h the first nap and then 1h30 the second and i had to wake him at 5:30pm.
But today at daycare, he did his usual 2h nap at 12:30. (Yeah the new usual
So tonight will be night 1 again for w2s to hopefully get rid of 5 or 6:30 EW. Wish me luck!