Author Topic: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...  (Read 4851 times)

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Offline *Becky*

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waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« on: May 14, 2010, 05:16:54 am »
Henry is 18.5 months. We are on one nap now which is usually anywhere from 1.25-2 hours.
Usually up around 6/6.30am and naps after 5.5/45.
We are getting in a pickle with A time after naps at the moment and are having a lot of 5.30am wake ups which makes the day so hard as he is not a long napper (2 hours is not the norm)
Anyway - when he first did 2 hour naps I would do a 5 hour A time after and we were getting 10.5 hour nights which I thought must be UT so pushed to 5.5 A time and things improved.
The problem I have is that our day is getting very long and I cannot work out whether to cut the nap (really???) or make the day longer than 13 hours (does not seem right)
My feeling is he is waking around that time but if he is tired enough he will go back to sleep, if not then he is up for the day.
One day last week I did do a 2 nap day and he slept till 7am the next morning BUT he actually only got 1.5 hour day sleep in total and did a 13.5 hour day.......
does all this say UT or am I going crazy and can anyone see something else.
Teeth are an issue but he is sleeping pretty well at night so not sure how much of an issue they are although saying that they always cause EW's.
Thanks very much ladies
Becky xxx

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Offline *Becky*

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2010, 05:17:32 am »
meant to say his normal night sleep has always been about 11 hours although on a very good night we can get 11.5 and an occasional 12.

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Offline LucySol

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2010, 08:53:48 am »
personally i wouldnt cut his nap just yet,id adjust the day might be me (tired/sick) but i cant see what his day looks like by that.if you say he is doing 10.5 hrs are you saying he is going to bed at 8pm which would make his day look like what?? 

sorry if im missing something! LOL!

Offline babybarr

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2010, 09:15:56 am »
Hi Becky - it may be helpful if you did just post some times for the last couple of days.

You may have to start opting for the later bt like Wendy has and see if that helps.

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2010, 10:38:04 am »
yes I am tired too and can't remember Wed at all (!)
A - 6am (stirred at 5.30am)
S - 12-1.50pm (DH was meant to put him down at 11.30am but forgot)
Bedtime - 7pm

Could be teeth, could be UT and could just be his low sleep needs thing but he is def OT now. Yuck. Have to scramble through today and do 2 naps tomorrow I guess.

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Offline *Becky*

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2010, 10:48:04 am »
maybe I will medicate before bed tonight and see if it helps. I just feel kinds bad as he is STTN and I don't want to just give meds to get him to sleep later BUT 3 canines are halfway through and the other is red so there are teeth issues and this is his pattern for teeth problems i.e. EW's. Also - he is on the lower end of sleep needs but under 11 hours and he is not happy, it is not like he is ok with 10.5, he is whacked by 10am.....
Also - the last 2 times I gave meds at bed he slept till much later - coincidence???

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Offline kayra

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2010, 10:55:57 am »
yeah I wouldn't cut the nap either, besides you said he rarely does a 2 hr nap so often he's getting a 5+ A time after the nap isn't he? we do about 6A before nap and 5 after, actually max 5. But I don't really calculate A's anymore, we just have set times give or take a few min.
Could be teeth as you said. Could it be light or anything waking him up in the am?

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Offline *Becky*

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2010, 10:59:54 am »
don't think it is the light - tbh EW's have been our thing on and off but they do coincide with teeth. I guess I give him the benefit of teeth until the canines are all through and then if they still continue we could try something else. I don't get set routines because if I set it to 12pm for example, if he woke at 7am he just would not sleep at 12pm as he would be UT and if he woke at 5.30am like today he would be so shattered. We already had fussing etc for his nap today and that was at 11.30am.....

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Offline LucySol

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2010, 11:01:19 am »
After that good nap on thurs i would think he could have handled a 5.5 do you think? i wonder if he got UT but that led him to being OT? 10.5 is def OT for us but like you say teeth is prob playing a big think about doing a dream med at 3 am for a couple of nights to see if you can get him past that 10.5 hr.He may be starting to stir around that point and as his teeth are hurting a bit he cant settle back to sleep.

Have you tried the teething powders? i can pop in at the EW if teething,give her the powder and she will doze back in 5 mins.

Offline *Becky*

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2010, 11:06:21 am »
The 3am might work but once he is awake at 5.30am that is it. I have tried going in and giving meds and have tried lying down next to him but none of it works. He has not worked out that although he feels ok then he will be tired an hour or two later so best to go back to sleep!
I agree about the nap yesterday and we should have pushed him a bit later I think as we do know he will wake early otherwise so yes it could have been UT which led to OT.
Thanks Lucy (and Kayra) I am going to try the meds option for now.

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Offline LucySol

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2010, 11:10:52 am »
Thats why i ask about the powders? D will not go back to sleep with meds at 5.30 or with me lying with her.These powders are the only thing that works.They have Chamillia in them so my guess was that they were working v.quickly enough to calm her down and make her dozy for sleep?

Offline *Becky*

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2010, 11:15:37 am »
oh ok - sorry. I have tried the powders in the day but not for an EW. I guess I could try. He tends to get mad if I go in to him but don't get him up. Last time he was pulling my hair etc (nice!) so I try to stay away but anything is worth a try.
I am a bit scared about giving a dream med - just don't want to wake him up.

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Offline kayra

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2010, 11:23:41 am »
so other times that he slept longer with meds was just when you gave them going to bed? That powder Lucy mentions sounds worth a try.

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Offline LucySol

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2010, 11:24:51 am »
not Ashtona and parsons tho...i think they are C**p!!! Nelsons teetha's from Boots xxx

Offline babybarr

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Re: waking after 10.5 hours sleep...
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2010, 11:26:01 am »
We always get EWs here with teeth... I reckon you could do dream meds but I personally would do them earlier in the night - as they are in a deeper sleep then. You could do nurofen at 2am - that's supposed to last longer than calpol.

I reckon also Lucy is right though, with that long nap you prob could've done 5.5hrs after. Maybe bear that in mind for the future.