Hi love
Sometimes I'm in the room already (as I wanted a lie down myself!)
What? You mean you are actually like, resting? Are you crazy? Like, I mean, who do you think you are exactly to be getting some rest...anyone would think you are a new mum!
Its a hard one. The cry my DS does is absolutely horrible. Its loud and piercing but it lasts hardly at all. Its very common, and its hard to not think they need you, but really, if his eyes are closed then try to just observe him for a few mins...its might just be the way he transitions between sleep cycles. My DS still does this at 14 months at least once a night. In the early days I found when he did this and I ran to him i would just wake him up more. Look, it might not be that, it might not work for you but I think its worth a try.
Would also be great to know if there's light at the end of the tunnel (ie the darkened room I seem to spend most of my time in)
There is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Only joking. But seriously, you will get out of the darkened room but really i feel like mothers are always in a metaphorical darkened room for their whole lives...this is it, we will spend the rest of our lives with a perpetual background feeling of worry...yay fun! Thank goodness for gin! Only joking.
Yes there is light. What will happen is that he will get better at sleeping, at understanding his world and you will get better at dealing with his fluctuations, your settling skills will improve and you will get to a point where you have more confidence. And when you won't be so sensitive to his every whimper. You'll realise that crying is okay and natural and fine and you are not a bad parent if your baby cries. At around 4 months the routine does start to settle, as long as you have avoided sleep props and accidental parenting....
but I have to warn you, there are growth spurts, teeth, vaccinations, colds, separation anxiety, eating solids, refusing solids, throwing solids, transition from 3 naps to 2, then 2 naps to 1, crawling, walking, potty training, bed wetting, driver's licenses, the desire for a motor bike, first girlfriends or boyfriends, bad school reports, sneaking out, breaking curfew, first time getting drunk, loud music, meeting 'the one', getting heart broken by 'the one', going travelling, coming home, lying on sofa all day....yay this is our future!
So yeah, huge massive light at the end of the tunnel. Walk towards it, but slowly.