I just think he's so prone to a short night/long nap. And then when his body did long night a few months ago, he thought he could keep his long nap too. But couldn't because it was interfering with his natural sleep cycles and he was getting too rested. So here we go, into the loop yet again.
I really hope they let him nap long today - we have to take advantage of sleep begets sleep on days like this otherwise I worry that we could see the back end of 5:30 again soon enough!
Kristina, sorry to hear it, sounds dreadful. Your mom has a good point but when we go with the flow around our house we end up in these never ending loops of OT and UT. I keep saying I'm going to stop worrying about his sleep...but when I do try, we end up with a NW or whatever.
Sian, granted it was really hot here and he had gymnastics really late in the day 6:30-7:30. It was a bad call on our part but we have to do some make up classes at 10/bucks a pop and he missed so many since January so we are trying to make them up before June 3 (which is when they have to be made up by!). Thursday is the last class during the week. I think he's just super tired and I haven't been able to work out when to put him to bed :-(