First off, (((hugs))). I know it's so frustrating and worrying when our LOs aren't interested in eating. Have you read here?:, these types of situations are often tricky. How many teeth has she got now, and is she still teething? Has there been any illness recently to turn her off food?
At the end of the day, even with the pickiest of eaters, the best thing you can do is keep offering healthy food. At this age I would stop trying to feed her and focus solely on self-feeding. I know this seems impossible since she is not interested in finger foods either, but it's a better approach than trying to spoon feed her when she doesn't want it, which in turn can create more food aversions.
Now we all want our LOs to eat SOMETHING, and the idea of them eating very little is scary. But we can't force it. So I would move forward with the finger foods. Offer her a variety, and let her decide what to do with it. Even if all she does is poke at it or even drop it off her tray, that's ok. Letting her do what SHE wants to do with it is the first step forward. Also, when you give her food, do you eat with her? Try to share mealtime with her and make it fun, but don't necessarily hover, if that makes sense. You want her to feel like you're sitting and enjoying the time with her, not watching her eat, kwim?
Sorry there's no easy way to get her to eat, but hope I've given you a few ideas to work with.