Author Topic: 15 week old cries and won't nap longer then 40 minutes, extremely overtired!  (Read 22695 times)

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Offline ZacsMumme

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The other thing you can trial if you BF is a dairy free diet yourself...Again you need to do it for at least 2 weeks to see if there is any change x

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline deb

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To echo your concerns about testing and meds for reflux: when we finally got the HMO to let us see our doctor, she looked at the symptoms and just prescribed Zantac on the spot. There weren't any side effects, so it was easier and far less invasive to prescribe the med and see if it worked than to run the whole reflux scope thingy. If that hadn't worked, we might have tried a higher dose or a different medication, but the test simply wasn't necessary since the fact that the med worked was itself confirming the diagnosis.

Agree with the mucousy poops - there shouldn't be mucous in poop an it can easily be an indication of a food intolerance. Dairy is most common, soy right behind, although there are others like crucifers and nightshades that bother other babies. Grains/gluten can be another one.

Offline Joppy

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I used to have problems with my DS crying at the breast and arching his back too.  We didn't have any success with gaviscon but he's been great since about 10 days into treatment with a PPI (omeprazole).  We're waiting for an appt with the paediatrician to discuss how long to continue treatment but it would definitely be worth having another chat with your doctor...

Offline Lena marie

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We took Auggie to the doctor yesterday, we saw a different doctor in the same practice.  We told him everything and he asked a couple of strange questions; Is there always a tiny amount poop, like a small spot in most of his diapers? When he poops can the whole house hear? We answered yes and yes, he went on to tell us that according to all of symptoms it sounds like anal stenosis, which is a very tight anus not allowing the baby to pass gas or poop without pain and straining, it causes digestive upset and spit up, also explains his sweating at the breast because as he eats, his colon is triggering him to poop and he is pushing but the anus is so tight that it is very hard to get anything out. He said it was a simple diagnosis and treatment, he would place his pinky into his bottom and see if he could feel the fibrous matter that usually grows around the anus tightening it even more, he would then stretch it out, he said it will be painful for the baby, but short.  Well poor Auggies anus was so tight the doctor couldn't get his finger in to begin with, but he did and after an initial explosion of poop, he went ahead and stretched his anus, poor bubba screamed out in pain, it was so difficult for me, when he was done I immediately put him on the breast and he calmed down with in a couple of minutes.  We have to have it done two more times and the doctor said he should be all better, it was a mild case.  This doctor was the first to even suggest this diagnosis, he said he sees about 3 cases of this a month and that most doctors misdiagnose the symptoms as reflux or colic.  We pray that this gives our boy some relief and that this really is what has been wrong for all these months. 

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Wow, glad you were able to see a doctor with an open mind. Hope this is all it is and that it clears up after the other treatments.  :-*

Offline ZacsMumme

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Great to hear you found a Dr who could help! I hope this works for you and him :-*

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline Lena marie

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Now having major night waking problems, please look at my post in night waking forum.

Offline Lena marie

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Well things have gotten worse in the past 2 weeks.  Auggie is now screaming at every nap time, it takes 20 - 30 minutes for him to fall asleep and then he wakes at the 40 minute mark and we are unable to resettle him.  He is always tired and grumpy, poor little man.  Here is his routine ( 2 days), we have been unable to start easy because of tummy troubles and teething discomfort.

Nap 1- 9:30 am-10:20 am
Feed 10:25 am
Nap 2- 12:00-12:55 pm
Attempted nap at 2:30
Nap 3-3:10-3:45
Feed- napped on breast 15 minutes
Feed 5:30pm
Nap 4- 5:49-6:30pm
bedtime routine at 7:30 pm
attempted bed at 8:00 pm
Bed Time: 10:00pm-1:00 am
Bed:1:30-2:22 am
Awake, fussy, body jerking
Feed 4:00 am, slept on Breast until 6:00 am
6:00 am Awake
7:00 am Feed
Slept on breast 7:15am-8:25 am
Transfer to bed
Nap 1: 8:26 am-10.23am
Feed 10:30 am
Nap 2- 12:10pm-12:50
Nap 3: 3:00 pm-4:00 pm
Bedtime routine: 6:15pm
Bed attempted: 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Bed attempted: 7:50pm - 8:25 pm
Bed 11:00 pm

another messy night

It is getting worse and worse, HELP!!!!

Offline ZacsMumme

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How is his pain? Have things improved at all since you took him to the Dr?

I think you may be in a bit of a loop, those 50 min naps look UT and then OT later on in the day.

Sorry a few questions....
How old is your LO now?
How are you resettling at naps and BT? Do you use shh/pat or are you always feeding back to sleep?
How long is your LO awake for usually before he takes his first nap?
You are right in the middle of a developmental period, but I do think maybe your A times need adjusting and you may need to start helping him through naps to get some long ones in there and break the OT cycle.

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline Lena marie

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He is 18 weeks now. For naps and bedtime, he is swaddled with pacifier, we rock him to sleep, then to resettle him, I shush and rock the crib, sometimes stroke his forehead.  Sometimes feeding doesn't get him back to sleep.
He is usually awake for 1 hour to 1.5 hours before he takes his first nap.  I try to put him down every 90 minutes during the day.  At this moment he has been crying for over an hour, we have been trying to put him to sleep, no go.  I'm losing my mind!  He seems to have teething pain and nothing seems to help, he still also gets gas pain, mainly in early hours of morning, I believe this wakes him.  Been to the doctors every week, no help, not sure if you were on my other post in night wakings, but Auggie was treated for anal stenosis, and although it is better, it has offered no relief.  After our most recent doctor visit this past Tuesday, the doctor is sending us to a pediatric surgeon because Auggie still has fluid on his scrotum, it seems to be one thing after another, but nothing is helping him.  I know that he is so overtired, sometimes after waking from one of his silly short naps, he seems ready for another one 30 minutes later, yawning etc.  I just don't know what else to do, I just finally got him to sleep on the breast, but that only works sometimes.

Offline Lena marie

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I think I am going to ask for a prescription of Losec for Auggie and see if it helps.  I hear a lot of gurgling coming up his throat while he is on the breast among other things.  Jeez, gotta try everything and believe me I have and am!  Doctors, spirtual work, Shamans, body work, chiropractors, no dairy, soy, nuts or wheat, I'LL DO ANYTHING!

Offline ZacsMumme

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Been to the doctors every week, no help, not sure if you were on my other post in night wakings, but Auggie was treated for anal stenosis, and although it is better, it has offered no relief.  After our most recent doctor visit this past Tuesday, the doctor is sending us to a pediatric surgeon because Auggie still has fluid on his scrotum, it seems to be one thing after another, but nothing is helping him.
I do remember....poor poor wee man, sounds like he has been through a lot. And you too (((HUGS)))

I STILL think there is a strong possibility he has silent acid reflux. I really do. If this is the case the correct does of meds should help. It can take up to two weeks to work. If it makes no difference then you can look at other options but I really do think (and reading back over your thread) that there is something going on that is more than just a colicky windy baby.

Nap 1: 8:26 am-10.23am
Feed 10:30 am
Nap 2- 12:10pm-12:50
Nap 3: 3:00 pm-4:00 pm
Bedtime routine: 6:15pm
Nap one looks great, I would be tempted to push that second A out a tad as that 40 min nap could be UT. That next A could be a bit long after the short nap hence the hour long nap and I think by BT he was OT...but then you know that already. Until the pain is managed it will be hard to follow any real EASY :(

Right now you need to do whatever you can to get him settled and to sleep when he needs it. If you think he needs one after 30 mins of being up, then by all means let him sleep. He is most likely uncomfortable, very tired and just miserable. I remember bad days where I just sat in the laziboy with DS and cuddled him most of the day while he slept in and out and fed when he needed it.

Have you tried medicating with pain killers. There is infant paracetamol which is safe for babies to take. This may help with the pain he is in, and mean he can get more rest. I think it would be worth trying this to see if you notice any improvement in mood and sleep 30 mins before naps and BT (not all naps as you need to ensure the dose are the right time apart) If there is pain you should notice the meds help.  :-*
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 06:28:36 am by ZacsMumme »

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline deb

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Note: in the States, paracetamol is acetominophen, I believe - Tylenol, basically. And nurofen is ibuprofen.

Offline ZacsMumme

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Thanks Deb :) I just know it by pamol and ibuprofen which doesn't help a lot of people at the other end of the globe :P

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline deb

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One day I got tired of not knowing what was what and hit up Google for the answers - so now I can translate. ;D