yesterday our routine went:
7:15 awake
7:45 b/fast and milk
9:30 snack
11:45 lunch
12:45 sleep (i was late getting him to sleep for the 5hrs 20, so it was 5hrs 30. 1hr45 sleep time.
15:00 snack
17:00 dinner
18:30 b/feed and bed
45 mins wakes up after b/time ( im guessing UT with such a short A time?)
NW'S i know it was bf 2:30 as DH gets in a round 2:45
EW 5:30
most nights he does wake between 11 and 1.
some night i can settle him within mins other times i just cant deal with sleep training and bring him in beside me i know im not doing my self any favours though

i keep thinking thats why he is wakening cos he wants in beside us.