Thanks everyone.
Vikki do you know if I could get DD tested for a reaction to dairy?? Dd2 is/was mpi but her skin is perfect, it's all a gut reaction with her.
Thanks Mashi, I will look up that Aveena. She isn't bothered by the cream so long as she can rub some into DH's tattoos swell
Emma yes that's the one, that's what she has on her legs and a bit on her arms (and looks a bit like that on her cheeks too but I don't think it's hair follicle there?!) On her armpits and inner arms
It's angry red patches and spots, but that's getting better with the steroid, but I'd really rather not keep applying it
Even dh thinks dairy could be the culprit. I seriously have no idea how I will
Get her off the milk to trial it though