Author Topic: 1 year old son with chronic constipation  (Read 24802 times)

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2012, 12:41:31 pm »
mj33 - not sure if you saw this this morning on the GAPS thread - Deb posted it. Maybe it can be of some help for you as it goes into detail on poops and constipation. Alot of the info piggybacks on GAPS therory. 

Juicing (fresh, at home with a good quality juicer) is a key component on the GAPS program as it give the digestive system a break, allowing for all of the high nutrients to be absorbed without the fibre that irritates an already inflammed gut.   

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2012, 14:31:30 pm »
I havent seen that yet tigerlilly but I will check it out.  Thank you!!

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2012, 15:23:54 pm »
tigerlilly, I just found a doctor here in my city that follows the DAN, and I contacted him and here is what he said.
"First thing I do with children of that age is look at them structurally. Birth trauma, teething, immunizations all occur about the same time. Teeth start growing in before they are actually seen. Often it is a structural distortion. It can be cranially driven from the head – see in baby with mis-shaped heads. Or driven from the pelvis misalignment – seen in dog track crawlers, slow to walk, etc.
I would recommend bringing him in for an examination."

So I think I am going to make an appointment to see him.  Thanks!! :)



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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2012, 17:04:33 pm »
Sounds great!! Is he more of a osteopath then? I've read of a few people who have quite a bit of success with that type of Dr.  I know our ND thinks that DS2's right side was a bit underdeveloped (possibly because of his position in the womb, but who knows??) and that's also playing a factor in his digestive issues.

A friend of mine took her constipated DD to an osteopath and as the Dr was working on her she pooped right on the table! I do believe there's something to it! :)

I would mention the stool/OAT tests to him, if he's DAN certified he should be able to get them done for you :)

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2012, 17:13:07 pm »
Ok, great. I  am going to call today and see if I can get DS in next week before the GI appointment then I will just cancel the GI appt. 

Yes, I think he is more of an osteopath for sure.  He specializes in Sacro Occipital Technique of we will see how it goes.  I will definately let you know!! YOu have given me so much helpful information.  :)


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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2012, 18:00:39 pm »
He sounds promising. :)  Does he have experience with any BioMed/Dietary concerns as well?  That's one thing I would look for when searching out an ND (or someone along those lines).

The 2nd ND we saw was a chiropractor and very big on homeopathy. I believe both do have a place to be sure, but he was so fixated on those 2 things that he deglected other areas (such as diet and probiotics ect..) He didn't even think I needed to do an Elmination Diet (WTH, right ??? :P) and he told me to STOP the probiotics! ::) Insane, considering Gut Dysbiosis *needs* high dose probiotics to heal.  So I would be sure to have a list of questions when you see this Dr. and hopefully he will give you some guidence.

If you want to look further and try and explore if he has further gut issues, the tests mentioned are all good - personally we went down the road of digestive stool analysis and biochemical testing for zinc, copper, whole blood histamine, parasites and Pyroluria  - ordered by our wholistic paed, and biobalanced trained GP.   If you want a practicioner well versed in the gut, then they should be listed on the autism foundation mentioned or else the Pfieffer institute - associated with Dr Walsh or else BioBalance. All can be found on google. I jsut want to second that - don;t be scared off by autism, the autistic children have more severe versions of the gut issues than our children with food intolerance, allergy and reflux.

Eloise makes a very good point about the Biomed component.  :)   It all plays a factor to be sure.

Also, Megan (bug_blues70) saw an osteopath to try and help her Ds's digestive issues. Perhaps she can chime in... I will send her the link to this thread :)

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #36 on: January 12, 2012, 18:45:09 pm »
I will ask him if he has any experience with that as well.  :)

Based on what I told him he doesnt think DS has gut dysbiosis, or GAPS he just thinks it may be leaky gut or the misalignement.  Its worth a shot to me to see what he has to say.

Also wanted to mention I bought Almond milk how should I go about testing/starting him on it??  I know that one time I did find him with an almond in his mouth and he was fine, so is it safe to say he's not allergic?


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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2012, 18:48:19 pm »
Absolutely :D

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2012, 18:51:08 pm »
So, I can just switch him over with no problems then?

Its way lower in calories than the soy milk.....

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2012, 19:34:17 pm »
I know that one time I did find him with an almond in his mouth and he was fine, so is it safe to say he's not allergic?

In general a true allergic reaction is supposed to happen the 2nd time you ingest I would maybe give a small amount of the milk and watch him for a bit to see what happens.  I'm a little gun-shy on trying things though, as we have a huge family history of allergies, some of which randomly appeared in adults who had been eating the foods their entire lives.  I feel like a ticking time bomb when I eat seafood for example  ;D

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2012, 20:37:29 pm »
Unfortunately, I don't have much to add about an osteopath as the one I went to was a total dud. I think this is another thing you have to go thru several to find a good one and I just can't afford that no matter how much I want to :-\ I've heard it can do wonders, and I've heard it can do nothing. I assume it just depends on the true root of the problem your son is having.

It sounds to me like you have probably found the problem: MPI or MSPI (I personally doubt the lactose intolerance part, but that's just me). I would look at *every single* ingredient for *every single* medicine or supplement he is taking - including the probiotics - to find out if there is any dairy or soy in them. Look it up online, call the manufacturer, whatever you need to do. And if you don't know if an ingredient contains dairy or soy, look up the ingredients too.

And here's another thing that's just me. I wouldn't give my LOs large amounts of any kind of substitute milk (unless I made it homemade like Rebecca's coconut milk, and even then, I'd limit it to a very small amount). Those are full of chemicals and processing, and he's over a year, so he can get all his nutrition from real, whole foods. He doesn't need "milk" if he's getting those same nutrients from foods. If you don't feel comfortable with that, I'd probably opt for trying a hypoallergenic formula rather than almond, soy, rice or any other kind of substitute milk. That's just my opinion though, and lots of people think differently so you have to decide what's best for you and your son.

I do think that you could look at gaps as an option to heal his gut, but even if you decide not to (it's a very hard diet to do right) I think you will be much better off now that you know to avoid dairy and soy.



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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2012, 23:28:36 pm »
And here's another thing that's just me. I wouldn't give my LOs large amounts of any kind of substitute milk (unless I made it homemade like Rebecca's coconut milk, and even then, I'd limit it to a very small amount). Those are full of chemicals and processing, and he's over a year, so he can get all his nutrition from real, whole foods. He doesn't need "milk" if he's getting those same nutrients from foods.

I agree w/ this completely.

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2012, 01:55:59 am »
I  gave him about a tbsp of the almond milk and he seems fine. Is it safe to say he's not allergic?  :)

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2012, 02:17:10 am »
Personally I wouldn't bother with the milk thing too.  Both my boys were MPI and I chose to give calcium via diet and drop the milk completely after they were 1.

 My first son's diet was fine calcium wise without any dairy, by DS2 however has a sals intolerance so does not have access to alot of leafy green veg, or eat a heck alot of fish with bones and is intolerant to sesame seeds (due to very high sals) so I choose to give him 400mg of calcium supplement per day

If you are going to persist with almond milk, give it a few weeks just incase an intolerance shows up, those reactions take alot longer to show. 

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #44 on: January 13, 2012, 02:20:32 am »
I don't know of he has a well rounded enough diet. He's turned very pickey these last few weeks. There's a reason why they suggest a certain amount per day isn't there?