Thanks for checking in! Sorry it took so long to update - After Dylan's appointment on Friday I worked the night shift, then I worked 7am-4pm today and got home and did dinner/bath/bed and am only now getting on properly
The appointment went pretty well. Did a rough history (given that he hasn't seen Dylan in over 1.5y) about how things have been. We've been pretty strict but Dylan still does get hives fairly regularly from incidental contact with "something(s)" at daycare, out and about (grocery shopping, the mall, other people's homes), even at home sometimes. Fortunately, if we can catch it when the hives are just coming out (or better yet, when he's blotchy and red before the hives appear) we're able to wipe him down with damp cloths a few times and can usually avoid having to give him benadryl. Since his last testing he hasn't ingested any mustard, egg, or peanut/nut products. We are pretty sure that he hasn't ingested any dairy, but there was one incident months ago when he had eaten pepperoni at daycare that was "may contain traces" and he had some pretty violent vomiting for about 6 hours afterwards. The allergist also asked if any other allergies have developed, and we explained that he had a severe reaction to dog saliva and is clearly reacting to cat dander/hair as well.
He offered a skin prick test, which I declined, and explained that every blood test we ordered would cost between $20-30 (depending on which one it was). I made the mistake of saying that I didn't care how much it cost (when truly we are not made of money, and I don't know if my benefits will cover this!) so he ordered:
egg white
egg yolk
peanut (5 separate components @ $20ea)
So if my benefits don't cover anything I'm looking at over $300
I asked about penicillin too, but he said that the agent that they use for the penicillin scratch test hasn't been available in nearly 10 years
Apparently it was something that they tested for pretty routinely, but since that agent hasn't been available they would have to send me to Sick Kids in Toronto to do a slightly different test. He did make a note though in Dylan's file, as apparently there has been talk about making the agent available again, in which case it would be a quick scratch test and we'd know.
So that's pretty much it! I'm going to take Dylan for the blood tests on Monday or Tuesday (whichever day it's feasible for me to leave work a bit early) and then his follow up appointment is February 27, which was much earlier than I expected. The allergist said that he would be shocked if the blood results weren't lower for dairy (which was technically a mild allergy before at 0.
as that's frequently outgrown, and he thought that egg may even be a possibility. So we're going to do the tests, discuss the results on the 27th, and then if he feels it's warranted we'll do an in-office food challenge. He said that with children as young as Dylan he always does any food challenge in his office in case of a reaction.
So there's the news that's fit to print
Overall, I'm happy with how it went, now just going to have to wait and see... I'm not getting my hopes up, despite what he thinks about the dairy allergy, just because he *still* gets hives at least once a week and the daycare and our home, so I know something's still going on.