Hi! Thought I'd pop on and offer my two cents...
Your original question was regarding getting the E (bottle) to come first in the EAS cycle. What I mainly see happening is that last night feed throwing off his appetite for the first morning feed. So, he'll eat at 3:30 or 4, and because he can go 4-4.5h in between bottles, he's not hungry when he wakes at 7am. Does that seem like what might be happening? We went through this with my son when he was 4-5mo. It started as legit hunger from his growth spurt but then it became a habitual night feed and it threw his entire day off, eating-wise. He was completely formula fed by this point, so we knew exactly how much he was eating and that he COULD go longer through the night without that last night feed (he DID have a DF at 10ish until he was 8mo).
Maybe you could try what we did: we reduced the amount we gave him for that last night feed by 1 ounce every 2-3 nights. That shifted his appetite and calories back to the daytime, and he started sleeping through the night again (though he still had a DF).
I agree with Katy that 1-2 night feeds at this age is normal. That can mean DF + 1 nf, or 2 nfs if you're not doing a DF. Have you considered doing the DF? I think that might really help you out!
So, while what he's doing is not outside the range of normal, it's obvious that his nighttime eating habits are throwing things off during his day. And, when it comes to what time of day is better for them to get their calories, daytime wins, hands down
Looks like he's having some fun with solids now, which is great! Since milk/formula is their main source of nutrition for the 1st year, I personally found it better--and easier--to do bottle first and then solids 1h later. That way you know they're not filling up on the solids to the detriment of their milk.
I can see that your LO is bottle fed, but is he formula fed? Or do you give him ebm, too?
As for the naps and the catnap dropping, it sounds like he's sleeping well and starting to make that transition. ITA with Katy that when A times are at 3h, the catnap can be gone!! Woohoo (sorry, that was a big thing for us).