Strangely, with DD DH was very insistent on me stopping and i think it was because she was low weight and we had the wrong charts back then. But also I was going through a lot of effort/tiredness trying to pump, E refusing feeds or being too impatient, refusing formula and then she just loved cow milk. With DS because of the allergies and because it is second time round he is less bothered. However the unsettled times, the clinginess, the special smiles I get do get to DH. Plus the ED means different foods, maybe missing on something, etc. Having spent more time last week putting LOs to bed, etc, I think made things bett for us as DH could see that M can still take formula and be settled. But, yes I guess there is the potential for standing out, being considered wierd, etc. Last week DH saw an article on on-deamnd babies having higher IQ. That must have helped as well. Subtle unintential media compaign....