Please Help! DD is almost 3 mo old and suddenly I am not letting down anymore. For the past 2 days I have only felt a let down one time. I am getting so nervous every time I nurse that I'm not going ot let down, and I don't. I know I need to relax, but I can't seem to. I even took a hot shower before nursing but it didn't help. I tried pumping after and didn't get a let down then either, and got far less than normal and I pumped way longer.
DD is sleeping through the night, and napping ok, and overall happy. Is it possible that I am letting down and not feeling it? I've always felt the let down, and with my last baby too. Why would I suddenly stop feeling the let down?
I think she's frustrated on the breast beacuse she's tugging and pulling and it seems eventually giving up.....I don't notice her settle in to a good feeding rythem suck, swallow like before....but she's not crying when she comes off....and she's not acting cranky/hungry thorugh her A time. Any thoughts, ideas?
If she went througha GS, could that have changed things for her and me?
Thank you!