I was surprised just how quickly he would go down after a late nap when I actually started watching him instead of guessing based on a magic A time I thought he would need. I guess it's like me falling asleep on the sofa at 8pm and waking up after half an hour. I wouldn't need hours and hours before BT, I could probably just go and get ready for bed and have a hot drink and then go back to sleep at BT. It seems to work like that for cadan anyway.
This is so interesting Honey. Clarirebear always tries to encourage me to give Sam a much later nap because the am over rides the pm but for Sam it has never worked, although I haven't consistently tried it because the mess we get in from even one day ending up with a 10/10.30 BT YK
But I do know it works for some LO's like Oliver when they are younger. However the more I learn about the 1-0 I am coming to the conclusion that as long as the LO's don't have a late nap every day and it is just impromptu late (sofa/car) naps then they will go down at the same BT. It is the irregularity of them that makes it possible IMHO.
Wow! super.My IRL friend's Lo started to refuse naps sometimes at Sam's age and so she just let him lie down on the sofa when he wanted to in the afternoon or car nap uncapped. He would have a nap at 5pm for an hour and still go down at 8pm for BT.
Which holds true to this.
So my update is Sam slept 12 hour 45
his firs super CU in months, he was up at 6.45. Today is Nana's day so my Mam is giving him his 3rd no nap day with BT after 11.5 hours. yesterday this was perfect so we will try it again.
Can I please just boast about my little fella
This morning we had a cuddle and I talked to him about BT last night and how happy I was and how clever he was and he sat there all pleased with himself with his little animated face. So when we went downstairs he said "Watch me Mammy...I will be you. Sammy have a little sleep now please!" then he lay down on the sofa and did a fake snore. Then he jumped up and said "Wow look at me Mammy, you told me to sleep and I did, just like that and now I am Super Sam with Super energy!!!"
Now forgive me if I am wrong but our little fella is so switched on sometimes for just having turned 2.5
LOL He catches on quick and picks up on every single thing I say. Best watch those naughty words eh