I used shields for DD until she was about 4 months then weaned her off them and she shredded my nipples, but i hung in there until she was 7mo! Tried till I was blue in the face but we just werent a good fit and I ended up just going bottles and formula. This time around I had to start with the shields since DS had a shallow latch and used to make the lipstick shape, shredded one side to bleeding point, and i would be in tears with the pain. Went to the lactation consultant and had one of those Aha! moments. I'd re read all the info about the latching etc and nipple to nose who-ha but still just couldnt latch him deeply for love nor money. Turned out I was still not onto it and was confused since the pictures they had in the lit from the hospital were not anatomically correct and once I understood that I shouldnt try to get my whole areola in his mouth (durr) and there should be some areola showing out the top of his mouth, with more of the areola from the bottom then he was away. Hopefully you will have an aha moment too after seeing the LC. stick at it, use the lanalin creams, and do what you have to. there comes a time when a suffering mum is not worth the pain and there is no shame in moving to formula, or expressing and feeding via bottle. do what works for you. good luck.