Wasn't sure where to put this! I know I've had a thread in the past about hating the carseat with DS2 (so years ago already), and I know I've seen tons of similar threads since then. But I just need to vent. Why do I get babies who hate the car so much? Ok so my DS1 actually loved it and was amazing in his carseat, but of course after that I thought all babies did so when DS2 hated it and screamed murder it was so unsettling. I remember feeling so panicked whenever we drove somewhere and he screamed so much. Luckily he got over it around 5mos. But now DD hates it too! Though granted she is *slightly* better than DS2 (he had reflux) and I can tolerate it much more. It doesn't get to me the same way it did with him. Also thankfully everything is close here so we never have to be in the car for long. Still, occasionally we go on longer drives and it's so horrible listening to the screaming. We drove 1.5hrs to my dad's last this past weekend and I thought she'd probably scream for 20mins but then fall asleep and sleep the rest of the way, but she didn't she just cried almost the entire way there an back (and everywhere inbetween!) I don't get it, she actually likes the swing and the bouncy seat (unlike DS2 who hated everything), and she doesn't have reflux. I don't know why she has to hate the car so much. Anyone like to share a moan with me? I hope she gets over it by at lest 5 mos like DS2 did!