Sorry I thought I had said he has an ear infection. And virus. In my desperate state I missed that! Well initially I thought he would be on mend by now
He won't sleep on the couch, only in his cot. I tried...he won't even snuggle for longer than 10 mins, then he gets angry and upset and sore...just beside himself really. At this point he seems to have actually have got a lot sicker, the coughing, congestion, pain, sore tum probably from pain meds and antibiotics and exhaustion have him just in a messy heap.
We also tried 3 car nap attempts (mum and I, Dh away
) all failed. I've never seen him so sick, or OT/unable to sleep.
I can't APOP all night though I would love to rock him. It I'm too pregnant and he doesn't fit