Oh dear. She is in there babbling right now and I am ready to pull my hair out. Have been trying to get her back to sleep since 7:47/ ( about 2 hours) So, yesterday when we were out she had a series or little catnaps in the carrier as we were visiting friends. Drove home the long way ( she got another lovely 30 minute nap) and then she was in bed 1.5 hours later. ANd didn't wake up for 3 hours!!! It was great!!! I read 5 books to my son!!! Anyway, fed her at 10:50, 12:30ish, 3:30ish and then up at 8:10. Brought A times back today and had *some* success. Did 1hr50 for first nap and she woke at the 45 minute mark, tried to resettle, and I could tell she was trying to go back tosleep. Eventually got her up and her diaper had leaked. Poor thing! So, went for 1 2 hrA after this an she burbled at the 30 minute mark, woke at 45 and aftr extensive patting got another 45 minutes out of her. Was trying to get DS sorted out to play with Dad while I took her for carrier CN so accidentally ha a 2hr15 A before CN. SO thought a 1hr35 A before bed might do the trick. SHe was out ( I still lay her down asleep at night, yes, she scares me a little bit:)at 1 hr35, woke 30 minutes later crying and here we are. Dreading tonight. ANy thoughts??? Thanks so much for your help..