Here's all the symptoms:
Green poop. Some seedy, some frothy (but haven't seen that in a while). I think there may be mucus, but not sure. The last diaper (yellow green poo) if I took the front and back of the diaper and touched the insides together, you can see the poo stretch between the diaper once opened again, but not a whole lot (does this make sense?)
Gassy! This girl farts a lot (smelly too). At night we notice she wiggles and squirms a lot and most of the time it's to fart. We thought she was waking herself because of the farting.
She sneezes a lot
Her nose has crap in it all the time. I was cleaning daily but them i read this makes it worse.
She has the hiccups a lot (mostly dry but Mon or Tuesday it was wet hiccups
Wet and dry burps (we were using a hand towel for the wet ones as it was a lot of spit up)
Spit up usually looks like think breast milk and we get the occasional cottage cheese ones
When breastfeeding, she pulls on and off a lot. I think she has a shallow latch at the moment. My first letdown usually feels pretty strong (I equate it to electricity running through my nipple).
She's pulled off once or twice and I've sprayed but it didn't seem like it would project very far. That has not happened a lot (only the right side).
Cries in pain during car rides. Doesn't seem to matter how long after a feed it happens.
Used to give a bottle of ebm at night until she started refusing the bottle. At this time we could here here belly making gurgling noises as soon as she'd drink. Then she'd stop drinking and cry in pain. We didn't understand what was going on. No more bottle from dad at night (had two bottles during the say on Wednesday and was fine).
I'm sure I'm forgetting something. What do you all think? And where do I go for here? She's taking 1ml of Zantac 2x a day now and the next weight check is Wednesday