Last bottle is around 7pm (with a cluster feed in the evening), and bedtime is about 30-60 minutes later.
Two example days:
E 1:30am (5 oz)
E 4 am (3 oz)
Woke up 6:50am
E 7:15am (3.5oz)
E 10:10 am (4oz)
E 1:15pm (6 oz)
E 4:40pm (5 oz)
E 6:50pm (6 oz)
E 12:00am (5.5 oz)
E 4:15am (5 oz)
Woke up 7:30am
E 8:20 am (3.5oz)
E 12:00pm (5oz)
E 3:45 (5 oz)
E 6:30pm (6oz)
Went to sleep 8:30pm, woke up 9pm (this has been a recent problem- weaning from swaddle in last few days, so not sleeping as well, and in the last week or so a problem with waking up 1-3 hours after bedtime and seeming hungry. In this case he didn't seem to be waking from hunger, but rather due to swaddle weaning, but fed him to take the place of the dream feed and help him get back to sleep.)
E 9pm (4.5 oz)
E 11:50 pm (6 oz)
E 3am (5.5 0z)
On Tuesday I am following a 3 hour EASY with a cluster feed, trying to get more food into LO and trying to avoid OT (weaning swaddle). But my goal is to get to a 4 hour EASY, so Wednesday I started transitioning to that. But because there was 1 less bottle, and he's not drinking a lot per bottle, by the time he went to sleep he had only eaten about 24 oz during the day, and that's with a lot of attempts to drink more of each bottle.
No sure what to do. Any ideas? My current plan is to transition to 4 hour EASY and slowly stop the multiple attempts at each bottle. (I'm afraid that may 1. turn him into a snacker and 2. Give him bad associations with the bottle.) He needs to eat more oz with each daytime bottle, and stop cluster feeding in the evening (he can never go as long as he does during the day), and stop feeding so much at night. Argh!