So Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I thought we were continuing on the right track. Each night took 40-45 minutes for him to fall asleep and I only had to put him back in bed 3 or 4 times each night.
Now I feel like it's falling apart.
Friday started with him waking up at 5:40am! He took a nap at his normal time. Then bedtime was awful. About 20 minutes in I had to go back to sitting by his bed because he wouldn't quit "falling" out of bed. Finally at about an hour I thought he was just about asleep so I went ahead and left. Not 5 minutes later he was opening his bedroom door. I put him back in bed and sat back down by his bed. Then he started crying because he didn't want me by his bed so I moved to sitting by the closet again. He finally fell asleep after 1 hour and 20 minutes (8:50pm) and slept until 6:30.
This weekend was an off one for him. Yesterday he didn't get a normal nap because my MIL came after lunch to pick him up to spend the night with her at his great-grandma's. the only nap he got yesterday was when he dozed off in the car for 20ish minutes while they ran errands before dinner. They had some trouble getting him to stay in bed, but said that he slep from 8pm-8a! He didn't get a normal nap today because we had a family gathering at his great-grandma's. he did sleep in the car for about 30 minutes on our way home this evening.
Bedtime was another bust. We started at 7:37pm. In the first 20 minutes I had to put him back 5 times then he just laid in bed and played. About 45 minutes in he acted like he was going to settle and go to sleep, but then he started getting out of bed again. I finally told him if he got up again I was going to sit by his bed. He got up again at the hour mark so I sat by his bed. After about 15 minutes of pushing me and trying to get me to go back to the other side of the room he gave up and was asleep at 8:57 (1 hour 20 minutes total).
I feel like we are starting to go backwards instead of making progress. What can I do?
I have 5 weeks (or less) to get this done because I won't be able to do it with the new baby here. I don't know if Friday was an off day or if tonight he was overtired from the busy weekend, but I am starting to get frustrated. I feel like he was going to sleep faster when we would just leave the room and let him play til he fell asleep. At this point I'm getting tempted to just turn his door knob around and lock it until he goes to sleep. It's amazing how trying to ensure he is getting enough sleep is so exhausting for me.