He didn't fall asleep at naptime until 1:10. I napped too and accidentally let him sleep until 2:20 (I kept hitting snooze on my alarm).
Tonight was rough. I don't know if my end of pregnancy hormones were causing me to have a lack of patience or if he was in a particularly ornery mood. We got off to a little bit of a late start (7:40) and it was just one thing after another.
1. I had to leave the room and cry out my frustrations for a minute after he got out of bed 21 times in the first 15 minutes.
2. He kicked out at me 3 different times when I was putting him back in bed. We had to stop and have a short talk about why kicking Mommy was wrong.
3. He kept throwing his blanket out of bed and trying to use that as an excuse to get up. I took it away after telling him I would take it if he threw it again and he threw it.
4. He has turned it into a game. Sometimes I will only get 1/2 way back to the door before he is out of bed again. Sometimes he will "fall" out of bed and lay there until I pick him up and put him back. Sometimes he will get out of bed and just stand there until I pick him up and put him back. Other times he will get up and as soon as I move to get up and put him back he will yank his feet back up on the bed. The whole time he does these things he is giggling like it is a game.
5. About 55 minutes in I told him that if he got out of bed I was going to leave the room. He got up again, so I left. He cried for a couple of minutes and when he stopped I went in and asked him if he was ready to stay in bed. He said yes, so I came back in and told him I would leave again if he got up. He didn't get up again after that.
I'm sure I broke a lot of GW guidelines tonight. I don't know what went wrong tonight. I put him back in bed 33 times in the 1hr 20min it took him to fall asleep. When I put him back I do my best to remain calm no matter how many times it's been. I'm not rough with him. I don't make eye contact and don't speak to him.
I have wondered if moving his nap forward, like 12:30-1:30 or 12-1 instead of 1-2, would help bedtime because he would have a longer wake time. However, I don't know if he would nap that early, especially since he hasn't been waking up until 7 the past couple of mornings.
I don't think sleep training and pregnancy mix very well.