I have a LSN kid
I have always found that it is a really delicate balance with day/night sleep needs. Just like your DD now, 7 months is too little to not have decent naps (2 each day). That said, some kids can get through a day with little day sleep and manage a good night. Personally, I am a huge believer in naps. They do need them to assimilate all that they learn over the course of a day. For us, this meant that a 12 hr night (or even 11hrs) was a very rare occurrence before the move to one nap at 11 months (LSN will drop naps earlier than other babies typically).
For us at this age, we had 2 naps of 1 hr 30 (PM was sometimes 1 hr 45) and nights of 10 - 10hrs30. If I capped naps to go for a longer night, we got OT NWing before midnight... I spent months trying to get a longer night and nothing changed what she biologically needed at that age.
That said, she was always super happy with her sleep as it was... this was my indication that it worked for her.