I have an almost 8m old little boy who has recently started waking up a second time and will no go back to sleep until he gets a bottle (60-120ml). For the ast few weeks he has been getting up about once a night (around 5am), taking a small bottle and sleep till around 730. Last few days there is a second NW at 2-3am and he will not fall back asleep until he gets some milk. I feel like I'm starting a bad habit by giving him the bottle but I dont want to feel like I'm starving my baby. He is eating alot during the day (on average 800-900ml of milk along with 2-3small meals. Here is our Easy:
S- 1430-1630
S-bt between 1930-2000
His naps are usually between 1.5-2hrs. A time is consistently 3hours and by then he is showing many sleep signs. He eats his solids about 1 hour after his milk.
Should I continue giving him the second earlier bottle? I'm very surprised he is that hungry at night because before bed he drinks a large bottle (200-260ml). He will not fall asleep without it. Today I tried pu/pd as well as shhh/pat along with his pacifier for over an hour with no luck.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks