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Offline FPT23

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I may sound crazy lol!
« on: May 11, 2013, 04:05:50 am »

My son naps from about 12:30/1:00-2:30/3:00pm and wakes around 6-7am

He lately won't go to sleep until 9:30/10:00pm. So his nights are around 9hrs. Is this ok? It seems short. The other day, he woke at 9:00am, which I will not complain about lol, but then he skipped his nap. I tried putting down around 2:30 again after he wouldn't nap at midday and he just wouldn't. Then, he went to sleep from 7-7 and napped until 2:40pm, and bedtime we have began to pd at 8:00 bc he's not sleeping. It's 10pm here, still awake. He doesn't cry, he just babbles and laughs. I hate leaving him in so long.

Another question is, that although I love the late WU times after months of 5am's lol, his bedtime is too late. I have tried to cut his naps, doesn't work. Suggestions on my 2 questions? Ideally I would love him asleep by 8:00-9:00pm. And also, what's up with the 9hr nights...?

Thanks :)


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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2013, 04:30:54 am »
May I add he's 20mtns old... 10:30pm and still very awake.

Could it be that after a 12hr night, and about 2hr nap, he's way UT lol... But he will also wake late tmw!? How would that wrk? :)

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2013, 04:46:11 am »
I would think the babbling and laughing is a sign of being UT. I think a lot of people hone in on the 12 hr night being a requirement, but my DD usually only gets 10-10.5...if we're lucky we get 11hrs out of her on the weekends, and we are pretty much down to one nap too. I believe the guidelines I last saw (somewhere) was 12-14 hrs of sleep from 1-3yo.  I would say if his behavior is otherwise good then it's probably fine. He's not crying, so he might just not be tired. It is true that LOs, just like adults, can be morning people or night owls. You might have a night owl. :D

To move up his BT, you might try to move it up every 15 mins and see how it goes. But I would first try to figure out what your baseline should be. So maybe take a week where you put him down when he is good and ready, even if that's 10pm. Use 10 as your baseline and start sliding it back. It's hard because no matter what, we can't make them sleep! But if you put him down a little earlier each night, it might work. Good luck!

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2013, 07:28:43 am »
9 hr nights sound OT to me. The later morning WUs might be a nice lie in for you but I think he's crashing until that time when the OT builds up too much, giving him one long night (like the 9.30pm to 9am night and the 7-7 night) and disturbing the next days routine.

I would move the nap later, say 1.00 or 1.30 PD and bring BT earlier too (no later than 8pm and if he is already wired up by 8 I'd bring it earlier to see if you can catch his sleep window.  Say 7.30pm).  If you miss the window for sleep that's when they can end up staying awake until 10pm or so with the apparent renewed energy.  It's more likely OT.
He could also be having a developmental leap which disturbs sleep, so much language development, cruising/walking development too, when my DS is going through a developmental leap he finds it more difficult to wind down and go to sleep.  Sometimes I stand just outside his room and use my key phrase to tell him to go to sleep.
You might need to put in some serious time for a few days, even AP him to sleep if possible, to get his routine back on track otherwise nights and mornings are getting later and later and his whole day is shifting.


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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2013, 07:31:58 am »
I would probably make sure you get him up at a decent hour tomorrow. So if you want a 8pm bedtime make sure he is up by 8am. After the short night he is bound to nap as usual putting you on track for a normal bedtime. Other wise let him sleep on, do a no nap day and get him to bed early.

Consistent wake up is probably as important in maintaining a reasonable bedtime

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2013, 05:13:40 am »
Thanks for the responses y'all! :D

Could be developmental leap with language. I have tried AP, and he won't have it.

The thing is though, that I have always put down early. His bedtime was normally 7...but he kept staying awake. It has become regular now for sometime that he slowly pushed his own BT later by staying up. Always falling asleep around the same time which is 9-10pm. His overall mood is great. No complaints at all. Very happy in the mornings, after his nap as well. No tantrums or anything. He's been very good actually.

His nap is usually PD at 12:30pm. He's asleep by 1:00 usually. And I was doing BT as normal like I mentioned. But he's been having a pattern of falling asleep by that time. However, what started happening is his nights are shorter, but generally speaking, he's getting a total of 11-12hrs each day of sleep. More or less.

The late wake is great haha, as I said, I had 5am wakes for months and months. Figured he was just a morning guy, lol. But truth be told, late bedtime has been brutal on my study and homework time. It's been rougher but I would prefer earlier bedtime. In bed by 7-7:30 works for me, it's this little dude that has been pushing it for weeks. He never cries. I feel bad leaving him in there so long. I go in and try to AP him which does work on some occasions, less often than I would prefer, but I'm too fun for him. He starts poking my nose and playing around. I tell him it's sleep time and he says no ::)


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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2013, 02:39:27 am »
Update- EBT, still not working :(

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2013, 14:14:59 pm »
How does your EASY look now?

Offline Shiv52

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2013, 14:24:32 pm »
Update- EBT, still not working :(
Have you started waking him at a reasonable time in the morning?

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2013, 04:23:48 am »
WU: 7-8am

S 12:45/1:00-2:30/3:30pm

S PD 7:30pm....asleep by 9:30-10:30pm

This is the pattern. More or less.

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2013, 06:52:14 am »
How long is the nap? At tis age when we had a developmental blip and fighting BT I had to temp cap the nap at 1.5 and do WI/WO at BT. ;) :-*

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2013, 13:07:39 pm »
It looks to me like morning WU needs to be earlier if you want BT to come earlier.  Your are expecting a 11.5 to 12.5hr night which not all LOs can do.  And if the nap is going as long at 2.5 hrs then the expected/planned total sleep in 24 hrs starts to get on the high end.  If your LO is high sleep needs that fine, but it looks like he isn't.  I don't think there is a way to have early BT AND late morning WU, yk? (or if there is I want to know how!)

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2013, 21:15:57 pm »
Thanks ladies.

Yea I know he is sleeping enough. Haha maybe I'm being spoiled here. Anyone would love a later wake. Lol! It was killing me with school. But what I mean is he just doesn't sleep until 9-10! That's why. And his nights are short.

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2013, 22:59:10 pm »
Nights look like 10 to 11 hours which I don't consider short because mine has never done any different (ok a phase of 13hr nights when we dropped to one nap but we all know phases are phases and don't count).  Like Shiv said if you want an earlier BT then you need to make morning WU earlier and consistent.

Offline Kirsten~

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Re: I may sound crazy lol!
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2013, 20:28:03 pm »
We also only get 10-11 hr nights, and on one nap we get 2-2.5 hr nap. I don't know if my DD is low sleep needs, but that's been her nights for a long time. Your LO may be about the same. If its any help, we have an 8:30 BT, and a 6:45-7:30 WU (depends if she has to get up for daycare or not). We are still in the 2-1 transition, but on one nap days, it is usually 12:30/1 to 3ish. Hope that helps!