Thanks for the responses y'all!

Could be developmental leap with language. I have tried AP, and he won't have it.
The thing is though, that I have always put down early. His bedtime was normally 7...but he kept staying awake. It has become regular now for sometime that he slowly pushed his own BT later by staying up. Always falling asleep around the same time which is 9-10pm. His overall mood is great. No complaints at all. Very happy in the mornings, after his nap as well. No tantrums or anything. He's been very good actually.
His nap is usually PD at 12:30pm. He's asleep by 1:00 usually. And I was doing BT as normal like I mentioned. But he's been having a pattern of falling asleep by that time. However, what started happening is his nights are shorter, but generally speaking, he's getting a total of 11-12hrs each day of sleep. More or less.
The late wake is great haha, as I said, I had 5am wakes for months and months. Figured he was just a morning guy, lol. But truth be told, late bedtime has been brutal on my study and homework time. It's been rougher but I would prefer earlier bedtime. In bed by 7-7:30 works for me, it's this little dude that has been pushing it for weeks. He never cries. I feel bad leaving him in there so long. I go in and try to AP him which does work on some occasions, less often than I would prefer, but I'm too fun for him. He starts poking my nose and playing around. I tell him it's sleep time and he says no