We moved to a 2-3-4ish schedule a little while ago--about a month maybe? Previously, we'd been doing a 2-2-5ish schedule and the 5 hour WT at night was simply because naps were horrible, LO refused that last CN and the earlier we'd put her to bed, the earlier she'd wake (I could never figure out EBT to where it worked for us, apparently.)
With a little tweaking, our naps stabilized right around 1 to 1.5 hours and when we moved to a 2.5/3/4 schedule, our NW went from 2-3x per night to 1x per night, with LO sleeping from 7:30 to anywhere between 3:30 and 4ish (a couple of times to 5am!) It was GLORIOUS!!! (LO is 30 weeks today, and 2 days shy of 7MO). Those longer night stretches had been a LONG TIME in the making!!!
Well... those longer nights lasted a little less than 2 weeks. For three nights now, she's been back to waking again between 1:30 and 2am, then again at 5am, then 6:30 or 7(DWT). Coincidentally, when the frequent NW started again, her naps had also gotten to about 1hr, 45min to 2hr long leading me to believe maybe she was getting too much DT sleep. In the past, if she slept any more than 3 to 3hr, 15min during the day, our NW increased. But I figured, if she was taking those longer naps and waking up kind of groggy from them (as if she'd slept really hard?) then she must have needed the sleep. So I didn't limit them.
But yesterday, she had a 1.5hr morning nap, a 45min afternoon nap, went to bed 30 minutes early (7pm) and woke at 2:30 and 5. Then I had to wake her at 7. Probably OT there.
I suppose it's possible that for her, having too much DT sleep is still the culprit--only time will tell. I suppose I'll limit naps to 1.5hr and see what happens (though I SOOOO hate waking her anytime, be it naptime or in the morning! She's such a sweet little sleeper!) But is it also possible that there's something else causing her NW to have returned? I mean, when we were down to 1 NW at 3-4am, she was still waking early (at 6/6:30ish) so it was far from perfect, but... at her age, shouldn't those longer stretches be more of then norm than the exception?
I thought about teething, though she shows no physical signs of it--gums are not swollen/white, there are no bumps, she's been an excessive drooler since day 1 so I can't use that to gauge and other than a low grade (99.2F) fever, I'm not convinced it's teething just yet. (DD1 didn't pop out her first tooth until 8MO, so I'm not surprised.)
Constipation is also possibly to blame a bit--maybe? She hadn't had a BM in a few days (we've always struggled with constipation) and this morning had a rough way to go with a poo that obviously hurt. (She screamed when I changed her diaper.) So maybe she's just been uncomfy in her tummy. I don't know.
All this to say... i'm not sure what to do at this point. Wait it out and see if she goes back to the longer stretches and less NW or try tweaking her WT's a little more to see if maybe that's the case? Again, her naps (with the exception of yesterday's short pm nap) have been stellar. She goes down for naps and BT awake (and falls asleep almost immediately) so I think she has the ability to self-soothe, for the most part. As it is, I think her one NW was more habitual than anything, but I didn't want to tackle that until it had really stabilized.
Anyhoo... here's her schedule.
7am - DWT
E - 7:30 Nurse, 8:30 Solids
A = 2.5 hours (and she's fighting sleep to last that long as it is... push it and extend to 3?)
S - 9:30 to 11
E - 11:30, Nurse, 12:30 Juice (for poo reasons), Solids
A = 3 hours
S - 2 to 3:30
A = 4 hours (at 3.5 hours, she would wake earlier in the A.M. but possibly still too long?)
BT = 7:30
MOTN #1 - 2:30 (lately), 3 to 4am when on longer stretches
MOTN #2 - 5 (lately), 5:30/6 with longer stretches
What would YOU do?