LO was diagnosed with MSPI at 4 weeks. She is now 39 weeks (9 MO). At 6MO, I was given the go-ahead by Dr & nutritionist to slowly re-introduce soy into my diet (LO is EBF). Several weeks later, she was tested and re-tested and shows no sign of an intolerance to soy (though we still avoid milk protein).
My supply is running low and breastmilk alone isn't cutting it anymore. I've tried fenugreek and lactation cookies, adding in supplemental feedings and to no avail. It also doesn't help that I am NOT an efficient pumper. Even after a missed feeding, I'm lucky to pump 1-2oz where she'd normally take 4-6oz in a bottle.
So all that to say... I am at the point where we need to supplement with formula and we tried tonight... however LO will NOT take it. (She'd refused Nutrimagen back at 8-12 weeks too, but I can't blame her there--that stuff smelled NASTY!) My doc gave us a couple of sample-sized cans of soy formula and we tried the Enfamil brand tonight and it no more than touched her lips and she was shaking her head and pushing the bottle away. I know she was still hungry though because when I put her to the breast, she ate.
Given our options for formulas are limited given the milk intolerance... what should I do? Do the different brands really taste all that different and maybe we'll have better luck with Similac's Isomil or Gerber's Good Start soy? Should I try mixing part breastmilk with the soy formula just to get her started? Or is there maybe a third option I'm totally missing here?