Is she draining those 7oz bottles? If she is you need to add more to the bottles, if she needs the oz better to have them in the day!
i know i need to wean the night feeds so we are working on the later one first, but she is still waking 2 weeks into weaning. i think we may need to do more drastic approach like you said of reducing ounces, not scoops. i just dont get how that would work because she wakes twice as it is, so if i take away dreamfeed shell still wake at night to eat
If you reduce the oz then she will get used to having less in her tummy. Reduce by 1oz every 3 nights and it's a gradual way to get her used to going back to sleep without a full tummy. You just need to resettle when the bottle is done and eventually just offer water or resettle with nothing. Yes, she may wake expecting to eat but she doesn't necessarily need to eat - they do learn to be hungry in the night when offered food past a certain stage when they are getting enough in the day not to actually need it. You may well have a few rough nights when she wakes and expects to be fed but she won't come to any harm not being fed (providing you are willing to stick with it and not offer milk).
When my DD was 8/9 months we had dropped to 3 bottles and she was on a pretty stable 2 nap routine. We have always done a set bedtime which was easier for us with 2 kids. She also had a first nap that fitted in with DS at pre-school. Her routine was something like
6/6.30 wake and 8oz bottle
8 solids
9.30-11 nap
11.45/12 lunch
2pm - 8oz bottle
2.30 - 4/4.30 nap
5 - solids
6/6.30 betime routine and 8oz bottle
7pm - sleep time
She was getting 20-25 oz of milk per day and 3 meals which was plenty. I weaned her nightfeed at 8.5 months, once we got to the offering water part she was seriously unimpressed for 2 or 3 nights and then stopped waking - we just resettled with out milk using PD and shh/pat.