Here it is 2:30pm and she has had a total of 1hr sleep since 7:00am. (And not good nighttime sleep) Ugh!
Ugh and yuck, sorry to hear that! On the under/over tired question, it is possible that she's undertired for the first nap and then overtired for the second and third, and bedtime, I suppose. Yes, they like to keep us guessing.
Great that she did that long nap for you yesterday. Any notion if there was something different? If she does a short nap, usually folks shorten the next A time. I'd maybe aim for around 2 hours and see how she looks. If you try to put her down and she resists in a 'I'm not tired' sort of way, take her word for it. Let her up and try again after 15 or 20 minutes.
But there's no way to drop that 3rd nap if she only has these 30 minute naps, right?
I think you need to drop that nap in order to sort those naps out, because it is creating an expectation, a habit, in her of a certain pattern of sleep. She can scrape by with three 30 minutes naps but if one of them goes, then she will (hopefully) make the sleep up elsewhere. I'm not sure if you had time to read those links, so I'm pasting in part of the 3-2 transition link below which explains a bit more.
How do I do it? (drop the catnap)
Your LO needs to increase their A time to around 3 hours. This needs to be done slowly at 10/15 minutes every couple of days to allow your LO to get used to the increase in A time- otherwise they will get over tired. Once your LO’s A time is around 3 hours across the day you will be able to drop the cat nap and move to 2 naps. Some LOs may be able to drop the nap on less than 3 hours A time if their naps are longer, or they are doing a longer night. This is the perfect world example of the sort of thing you are looking at:
A: 7am-10am
S: 10:00-11:30
A: 11:30-2:30
S: 2:30-4pm
A: 4pm-7pm
During the transition period you will get to the point where there isn’t time for the CN- but the time to bed is too long- leading to an OT baby!! During all transitions there is going to be some over tiredness but some tools you can use are:
- Early Bed time: Sometimes dropping the cat nap and bringing bed time forward by as much as an hour can help to fend off OT;
-Capping the CN rather than dropping it altogether: Sometimes if there isn’t time for a full cat nap a short catch up nap in the car of 15/20 minutes can help get them through to bed time without making them UT.
Once the transition is done you’ll be rewarded with one less nap to worry about and the freedom of more time to get out and about with your LO without worrying about the naps!!
If you want to chat to other mums going through the same thing as you please check out the 3-2 chat and support thread in the Naps board!