I am so so very 'lost'. My DD has NEVER been an overly great sleeper/napper - but by sticking to a routine and a little CO from time to time; we have made it this far. But I thought that by 1 year old she would have figured out how to soothe and go back to sleep (she does move about her crib and find her dummy at times). She is what I call a "restless sleeper". Sometimes she just has a quick cry-out in bed (like she is having a dream or something) and goes back to sleep. Other times this goes on and off for the entire night! I would love to just say teeth, etc....but its all the time; just varying degrees of restlessness. We are ALL about routine and have been since my first son was born; so I kinda thought I would be able to figure this one out....but I am at a loss. I just want her to have a restful night (so that I can too). Have any of you had this with one of your children? When will she outgrow this? Do I try a white noise machine? Open to many suggestions!