I don't understand it! Today he napped from 2-3:20 (which is late, but I took your advice and aimed for about 1.5 hour nap) and I thought the later nap wasn't supposed to affect BT! He didn't fall asleep until 8:15 (and that wasn't without whining until it escalated into hysterical crying for quite some time). I was near tears tonight. I really need him asleep before 8 (ideally 7:30). Is this part of the "transition" with the later nap? (And if so, does that mean he will eventually settle back to regular BT at 7:30?) I really don't want to go through that again every night. Do you think maybe he needs a shorter nap? I was itching to wake him at 3 because that's my "nap cap" usually but I also wanted to see how he would do with a 1.5 hour nap.
Also, a thing I realized: even when I'm in the room with him and he sees me or definitely knows I'm there, it's not like he goes to bed so simply. He can whine a bit first on and off. He can be almost asleep (or at least lying down and very quiet) and then start up again. How does GW work with this? I mean I just don't see it working ever, if when I'm actually already in the room, not even offering him any sort of prop or aid (just my presence), he can't settle easily. I was thinking tonight that if he keeps falling asleep later and later I am going to HAVE to leave the room, because if I'm going to be at all useful the next day I need to go to bed at 10...and since he went to sleep after 8, it doesn't give me a lot of time to get my work done.
Sorry if this read as a vent post. It was a rough BT...