Steffi do you think perhaps you are confusing the advice from LLL for a newborn? EASY should be a flexible routine that includes listening to your baby not ignoring cues and holding out on a hungry baby. I don't think either of the mums on this thread are doing that at all.
Nowhere in that link does it say a 4mo needs to feed 8 times a day. In fact on the LLL website it specifically says
"Every baby is different! Due to individual differences, healthy full-term babies may breastfeed as often as every hour or
as infrequently as every four hours and thrive, according to LLLI Breastfeeding Answer Book (BAB) Third Revised Edition, page 26. Daily breastfeeding patterns will vary from baby to baby and from day to day." Tracy worked with many BF babies and has case studies on them in at least one of the books. While I agree that not all babies are able to do 4hrly feeds many including both of mine did and do and get *plenty* of milk. My kids were in fact growing so well on 5 breastfeeds a day (4 in the day and a DF/NF) between 4.5-6mo that I was constantly asked by the HVs to stop supplementing although I wasn't. If I missed a feed I could often pump 4-5oz (120-150ml) and not feel as empty as after my babies fed so I know they took more. Some women have great supply and storage capacity and their babies get significantly more than the figures you seem to think are upper limits
Mackjack, I hear you on the difficulties of having an easy first baby. My DS1 was high sleep needs and still doing 2x 2hr naps and a CN with a 12hr night (with a NF) at 6mo and it was so hard for me to accept that DS2 was low sleep needs and I had to cap his 2 naps to 1.5hrs just to get an 11hr night.
Have you spoken with you HV or GP about your feelings of depression? I do think it may be a case of accepting that your DS is a different baby to your DD and has different needs and will develop at a different rate. Perhaps if you could lower your expectations you wouldn't feed so disheartened by what as Liz said was a really good night. We have a fab PPD board moderated by the lovely Liz if you think that may be an issue for you.
Post Partum Depression