I would choose a time you call night and a time you call day. In your case I think 6.30am/7.00am looks like a reasonable 'day' so if she wakes at 6am I'd just resettle, feed if needed yes, maybe she would take a smaller feed or go off to sleep with shush/pat? Even if it's a full feed and throws off the feed times I would still treat it as a night wake as you have been doing. So pick a time and stick to it.
At WU offer a feed then count her feed times from then, even if she doesn't take a full one first thing when she wakes, a top up is fine.
I wouldn't try to reduce her night to get her to nap - it's more that you need to get her tired enough for the nap. So a long A or same length but more stimulation (either mental or physical or both) in that first A time. Maybe after getting up earlier the 2hr 20 A was just right. Maybe 2hr 20 would be right even after a later WU - you have to experiment with it and see...or it might be that a 2hr 30 A is going to be right. Sorry I don't have the answer, increasing the day quite dramatically is just what some need whilst it would be unsuitable for others so it's down to your mummy instinct and experimentation to see what works.
I really think you are getting closer though, don't you?