My LO started solid when he was 5-6 months old. He was not too thrilled to eat but I kept encouraging him to eat and he got better by 7/8 months. He was eating pureed food and he refused to chew. He didn't get his first tooth till he was 10 month old. Once he turned 1 year old, he had gotten hard to be spoon fed. So I resorted to 'distractions' such as videos, books, toys in order to get the spoon anywhere near his mouth.
About 2 weeks ago, it was almost impossible to feed him regardless of the distractions. It took me more than 1.5 hour to feed him a meal. I started to let him feed himself with finger foods. But he would take a bite then keep it in his cheek and he would either swallow it (without chewing) or spit it out. We eat in front of him all the time. I demonstrated chewing motion when he had food in his mouth. And he got slightly better, but not by much.
For the past 7 days, he hasn't eaten anything more than 5 bites. Below is his feeding schedule:
7:30AM - Milk 8oz
8:30AM - Breakfast (pancakes/french toast and bananas) ±40 mins
10:15 AM - Snack (cereal and fruits) ±30 mins
12:00PM - Lunch (he wouldn't eat anything else other than avocados) ±40 mins
1:00PM - Milk 6oz
3:30PM - Snack (cheese and/or fruits) ±30 mins
6:00PM - Dinner (pasta and ground meat and avocado and fruits) ±45 mins unless he starts to throw food and crying
7:30PM - Milk 4oz
I called the doctor and they told me that it had not gone long enough and it didn't seem like he had an oral aversion. He just has little to no interest of eating. I am feeling so helpless and I notice such a big difference in his personality as well. He used to be a very happy baby. Even strangers noticed that. But now, he's just miserable. He cries and fusses for no reasons. Additionally, he's losing weight. For the past week alone, I think he almost lost 1lb.
When I used to feed him, he would eat alot more and more of a balanced meal.
Is this normal? Why am I feeling so defeated and anxious and worried and frustrated all at the same time? What can I do to help him?
Thank you so much for your time and help.