I wouldn't be too worried - I would even say it's perfectly normal, but in details:
1. Pumping in first 6 weeks was always very effective for us because this is a period when lactation is crazy:). It was easy to introduce a new pumping session these days and I was easily getting 3-4oz per one session, even in the late evening (I had a break from BF between 7pm and 12-1pm so I pumped at 9-10pm).
2. After first 6-8 weeks when you are adding a new pumping session it will take time to make your breast to get the message - so don't feel discouraged after 2-3 days.
3. It's important to plan your pumping session wisely. Pumping in the late evening when you have the longest break between feeds and kids are asleep is easy, but also after the whole day of BF, many mums cannot get much out of a pumping session. You can think of pumping just after the morning feed or even just before the morning feed as after night there usually is plenty of milk for both your DS and your pump:).
4. I had problems with letdown when firstly using a pump, so I usually went to bathroom, did myself a warm bath, watch some DS photos or short films and it helped!
When I reintroduced a pumping session when DS was 12wo after 6 weeks break and for the first week I wasn't pumping much... 1-3oz, sometimes nothing as no let down. After a week maybe I was almost consitently getting around 3oz of milk when pumping around 10-11pm after 7pm last feed. But it all depends!
So good luck and don't feel discouraged. You just have to find your way how to do it effectively!