DS is nearly 24 weeks, EBF, just starting some tiny tastes of solids. He's not a small boy, about 8.5kg. Currently he has two night feeds at 12/1ish and 4/5ish. I offer one side only and he feeds for maybe 5-6 mins. However, he's not hungry when he gets up in the morning, so first feed is delayed, and he's not even that hungry even 3-3.5h after the second NF. But then by about 3h later he is totally starving!
In the day at the moment he feeds 7.30ish (not really that hungry), 10.30/11ish (starving), 2/2.30ish, 5ish and 6ish. I offer both sides each time except at 5pm as that's just to push him through to BT without a meltdown. Occasionally he goes without that one.
I don't mind the night feeds but as his first milk feed is pushed later, it means there's not really time for a solid breakfast before nap time, so then solids would end up after nap before milk etc etc and the day becomes a bit messy. What I'd really like is for him to be happy to take a decent feed first thing, so think we need to cut back on overnight milk.
How would you do it? Which one would you try to reduce first? I was thinking the 12/1am one both to get me more sleep
and have the option of a cheeky AP feed to combat EWs
but wonder if cutting that one back would make him take more at 4/5am and make the issue worse?