I think that at 6m+ and not much solid intake you should feed 3-4h apart. Not 2-2,5 as the feeds will be smaller but it may be that 4h w/o solids these days will be too much. Moreover usually afternoon/evening hours means more frequent feeds as kiddos know they are preparing for night:).
With 4pm feed, I would try one side before bath, one side after bath. She will be happy enough thru bath bath should happily take top up from second side later. If you feed at 3pm and give her full feed, she also should be ok with that routine. If not you may try both sides before bath, and nothing after.
With feed I would plan to go for full both sides feeds at 7, 10/11 (she has to be hungry here so you decide when to feed), 2/2:30. And than one side at 5/5:30 let say and second side at 6:30. If she is hungry in between I would try to offer max one top up and do both sides at 7, 10/11, 3, 6:30 and top up at 12 just after nap.