Thanks, well we've had her completely off solids for a week whilst she got over the worst of her cough/cold, got her appetite back and stools returned to normal (for her). So offered a little apple purée this morning, again just took a tiny amount but then she has to relearn what to do. No funny BMs yet, she did have a bad pm nap but her routine has been thrown off anyway with travelling so that could have been a routine issue, also lots of screaming at BT but again that could have been OT from earlier in the day... Think she was ok with apple previously so hoping to move onto pear+rice in a couple of days, since pear was fine before, just resulted in more frequent stools but maybe in combination with the rice it should be ok?
I'm just struggling to know what's normal when starting solids, given that DD's BMs have been so different from her brother's from the start. I know that solids upset him to start with but we just pushed through giving small amounts and avoiding problem foods (anything constipative plus broccoli and cauliflower for him) but his BMs we're just as I'd expected, no mucous etc. so I'm really not sure what sort of stool patterns to look out for which would mean I should stop solids again or stop a particular food? When using a three day rule, would you expect problem foods to show up on day 1 or not until later, and how soon after giving them would you expect to see issues? As you know there are always so many variables eg possible teething, illness, travelling, routine changes etc, I don't want to keep stopping solids when there could be other reasons for her unsettledness. Then of course there's the feeling in the background that at 6.5mo she really ought to be eating something!