Author Topic: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old  (Read 1469 times)

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Offline Cherrytrees

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HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« on: January 15, 2015, 09:56:25 am »
Good morning , new to this forum but hoping to seek your help to end the sleep deprivation

Our 10.5 month is a very active, enjoys company ( can't be left to play with toys and awakes with a cry) and has only slept through a hand full of times, he has struggled with teething from 4 months old he has 8 teeth and we think another tooth on the way.

daily routine?
Wu- 6.30-7.30
E - 30 mins after wake up - ready break/ weetabix with approx 150/180 ml cows milk - banna offered if breakfast is eaten.
BF 30mins after breakfast
S 8.30-9 ( manages 2 hours in the morning - also fits in with baby groups starting at 10.30-11) he sleeps avg 1 hr sometimes may do 90mins
E lunch at 11.30-12.30 (may be offered a snack at baby group to put him on) lunch could be; H/m chicken purée, spag Bol, beef casserole, toast and Phili, mash pot and beans spag hoops - may be pouch if baby groups is over lunch. Followed by yogurt and organix carrot sticks/ snacks offered
A- push to at least 3 hours after wake up
S-  1.30-2pm 45-1.5 hr dep on morning nap
E- dinner at 4.30-5  like lunch
- if awake early and dinner falls at 4 supper is offered at 5.15 ready break / weetabix
BT - 5.45
BF - 6/6.15
Bed 6.15/6.30

Awakes once any where between 12 and 5 , is bf (about 10 mins seems he feeds well and for comfort - if not he cries  to an angry cry ( he has a loud angry cry) and water / hugs won't pacify him)

No props he does have a comforter but isn't too hung on it.

Is placed in his sleeping bag 3.5 tog he's a cold baby .room 18-20

Sleeps in his room in a cot bed

He is placed in his cot awake but sleepy and will cry / moan and settle himself within 5-15 mins

He can crawl, cruise , stand and babble.

We have a video baby camera - luvion

Looking for any advise to cut out the last awakening, thinking mid morning afternoon snacks - but then this may affect him eating lunch.

Thank you for your time reading my post.

Offline katie80

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2015, 06:20:02 am »
Hi there and welcome to BW! :)

It looks to me like that last NW is likely down to routine, mostly napping possibly eating. His morning A time is quite short for 10.5mo which can actually encourage a NW (esp in the later part of the night). There's also a chance he's getting a bit too much daytime sleep in one day. It looks like he's in the beginning stages of the 2-1 nap transition, and he's regulating his sleep a bit in that the length of the pm nap is often dependent on the am one. I think if you help him along in this, his sleep will regulate a bit and hopefully get rid of that NW. You can do this two ways... one is to cut the morning nap and leave room for a longer afternoon nap, the other is to push the morning nap later to make it consistently longer and then do a catnap in the afternoon to make it to BT. Seeing as you do some morning baby groups, cutting the morning nap may be a better option for you.

It could look something like this...
Wake-up 6:30am
Nap 1 9:30-10:15am
Nap 2 1:30-3:00pm
Bedtime 6:30/7pm

The other thing I notice in your routine is that you only list 2 BFs during the day and one of them comes shortly after breakfast. Is that correct? It looks like he's eating a good amount of solids, but it's genearlly recommended to have 3-4 milk feeds a day still until 1yr old, as that's still a main source of nutrition. You do have 3 feeds in 24hr, but ideally you'd want that last feed to be during the daytime. Could you offer a BF upon morning wake-up, before lunch, and before bed? Then, I'd start setting a time in the MOTN that you won't feed before and gradually push that out (while you tweak the routine), until you get rid of it. So, say you start at 2am. You could feed the first night at 2am or anytime after, but resettle anytime before that. Then, a couple nights later, make it 3am and so on and so forth until you get rid of the feed. What do you think?

Here are a couple good links to look at related to your situation:
Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!
From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 06:21:38 am by katie80 »

Offline Cherrytrees

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2015, 10:24:21 am »
Katie80 you're amazing not only thank you for your reply but how constructive it is. Truly remarkable and greatly recieved advice

He has always been a sleepy baby but agree I'll push the A time and cap the morning nap to 45 mins.

My husband made it his mission to deal with the NW  from last Thursday 3 nights in and he wakes up at 2.30 cuddle offer water and back down ( within 15 mins)  - I take over tonight - gulp * must stay strong.

So if I make the tweaks you recommended I think we're proberly there.

Re: BF he dropped the mid morning at late 8 month and the mid afternoon at 9 now when offered he pushes away. But morning and night he's whining tugging at me for the bf.

Thank you for the Ray of light and I feel very positive that'll we'll be dancing in it soon.

All the best and thank you for your time and kind advice.

Offline katie80

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2015, 00:20:42 am »
You're welcome! If you've successfully not fed him in the MOTN for 3 nights, I think it's worth it to offer one more feed during the day (maybe before lunch), just to make sure he's getting the milk he needs. Obviosuly, there's not much you can do if he refuses, but he just might take it seeing as he's now not feeding at night. Just a thought.

Good luck, hope it goes well! :)

Offline Cherrytrees

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2015, 08:32:57 am »
Thank you, I will.

We've had an odd night, he slept through, but awoke at 6.20 tired, bf him and placed him back in the cot and he's just awakening now at 8.30 thinking of pushing him to lunch for his nap?!

Offline katie80

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2015, 13:30:47 pm »
Worth a try.... if it's short, you could always AP (car ride, stroller, etc) a quick cat nap to get him to bed time.

Yay for STTN, that's great news!! :D

Offline Cherrytrees

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2015, 09:13:27 am »
Good morning Katie80
Offered the BF at 11.30 yesterday he took one but there was too much going on, we got back home at 1.15 and he went down straight away until 3 by 5.30 he was wanting bt routine to start I pushed another 10 mins and started the bt routine he was in bed by 6.15 /20.

This morning he awoke again at 6.20/30, this time I got him up, bf, breakfast 45 mins later, by 8.10 he was flagging - whining, silly giggles, falling over(clumsy), cuddling up to toys/me , pushed it another 10 and popped him down and went within 5 mins  going to wake him at 9.30... So he's not even lasting 2 hours but he is famished / hungry at 6.30.

Soo it seems I have a dilema I think... Do I bf first thing and pop straight down until 8.30, then push until 1.30? or wake up and push him  to 2 gradually 3 hrs ?

Thank you again for your time.

All the best.

Offline katie80

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2015, 19:56:33 pm »
Well, it's normal to go between two and one nap for awhile as you transition.  I guess that's another reason to try to persist with the mid day feed, as that could be a contributing factor to why he's so hungry in the morning. :-\ Is there a quiet place you could go at the play group to feed him? Otherwise, it's totally your call if you want to feed and put him back in bed or feed and get him up for the day. He'd had 12hr of sleep, so certainly would probably be ready to get up, but yes I'm sure tired from only one nap the day before.

Offline Cherrytrees

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2015, 18:51:23 pm »
Many Thanks Katie80.

Another night slept through but awoke at 5.30 so fed and put down and he woke up at 8 for the day.... But he only grabbed 20 min in the car on the way back from baby group at 12.30 - couldn't wait for lunch and the 13.30 put down, and then another 30 mins at 3.30 ... See what tonight brings .. ::)

Tried the midday feed again ( will continue too at various times) and got bit! Little monkey 😀

Offline katie80

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2015, 01:23:19 am »
FX the night goes fine!

Offline Cherrytrees

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2015, 13:05:43 pm »
Thanks Katie80, it did.

Today's update so far;
another 5.30 wake up so fed and popped down,
awoke at 8 ,
then off to the baby group in the morning, he had a few snacks , ( not given him proper lunch)
then bf well (tired) at 12 and off to bed he went at 12.15 ...

My plan for the afternoon is - I think he may wake at 2 then Offer some snacks, play, then a walk around 4 - to get him to bt @6 , then dinner at 5.

Is this looking ok- normal ish?

Offline katie80

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Re: HELP REQUIRED to banish the 1 NW for our 10.5 mth old
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2015, 21:28:32 pm »
Yes, I think so. I wouldn't wake him from the nap at all, just let him sleep. If you continue on the one-nap route, I think you'll know its time to tweak things when he either doesn't go back to sleep after the early morning feed or starts taking shorter naps.