I took him to the doctor last Monday to ask about the meds etc. As soon as I mentioned sleep, the doctor immediately said that it wasn't anything to do with his reflux but it was because he hadn't been sleep trained. He started talking about controlled crying. I asked if omeprazole could cause sleep problems and again he dismissed it. I kept saying that I felt he was uncomfortable, squirming, coughing, arching but he'd made up his mind. This morning he managed a 10 minute nap. This afternoon, in desperation to get him sleep, I fed him to sleep then left him on my chest with my nipple right by his mouth so if he woke he could suckle back to sleep. He STILL only slept for half an hour! Total daytime naps today 40minutes! With regard to diet, I'm pretty sure nothing has slipped in. He has been a bit constipated for the last few days but I'm not sure if that's just adjusting to solids. I've cut solids right back today and yesterday. He keeps scratching his ears, he's made them bleed, but I managed to get the doctor to look on them and he said they were fine. His two front teeth are through now and he's not showing signs of teething any more.
At night he sleeps on his side in a Sleepyhead. But when he wakes he has usually turned onto his back. I don't know if he wakes because he's turned onto his back or whether he wakes and then turns as he looks around. Tonight I have used a rolled blanket to wedge him onto his side more so he can't turn onto his back. It might help I don't know.
Thank you for any ideas you might have.